Design by Kris Owen
This morning we had a three hour rehearsal for More Cabaret. We rehearsed, of course, but we also chatted about various things going on in our lives, size acceptance etc. I went from that to an action meeting of the Size Diversity Task Force. We had dinner, hung out, and then discussed our committees and the work that we are doing and want to do. Then I met with my friend Jeanette about some new stuff the Fit Fatties Forum is going to be offering in January.
After a very full day of size acceptance community of various kinds, it occurred to me how important these “In Real Life” interactions are to me. I read a lot of blogs and spending a lot of time talking about these things on the internet but SA community in real life is a precious thing to me. Even with the Size Diversity Task Force we have people who live in other cities and states who Skype in – but for me there’s still something really cool about face to face interactions.
I think part of the difference for me is that Size Acceptance is about my body, and on the internet I’m not as embodied – I exist in avatars and pictures but it’s very difficult to do my amazing body justice on the internet, and I think there is a different connection when it’s in person.
For one, you get to commit all kinds of PDFs (Public Displays of Fatness) Also, I often find myself with people of all sizes who are actively engaged in weight loss, do a lot of negative body talk, are steeped in a culture of “fat bad, thin good”. There is nothing wrong with any of these people but in my experience there is something really cool about spending time with people where there isn’t negative body talk, diet talk, weight loss talk etc.
So if you’re looking for something more in your SA practice, you might consider finding ways to hang out in size acceptance community in real life – search for meet-ups and organizations in your area. If there isn’t anything near you, you might consider throwing up your own meet-up and seeing what cool people you can meet.
Holiday Sale – January or Bust!
I do Size Acceptance activism full time, and part of how I support myself is book and DVD sales. So I’m having a January or Bust Sale. You’ll get 20% off whatever you buy plus an upgrade from media mail to priority shipping in the US. Support my work, get cool stuff, win-win. Click here to check it out.
Become a Member (not on sale, but still pretty cool!)
I created a membership program so that people who read the blog and feel they get value out of it and want to support the work I do can become members for ten bucks a month Members are the first to know about new projects, get to see things before they are released, get “Member Deals” which are special deals to my members from size positive merchants. Once you are a member I send out an e-mail once a month with the various deals and how to redeem them – your contact info always stays completely private. Join Now!