Fashion Magazine

Fashionlush Spotlight: Singer/ Songwriter/ Babe- BC Jean

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

singer/songwriter BC Jean

If you don’t know, now you know…

BC Jean is pretty much cool as shit, plus– she’s beyond uber talented. I am proud to say that miss BC is one of my oldest, and dearest, friends. When I met her at 8 years old, it was clear as day that she would do big things. Her private concerts, that usually consisted of various songs from RENT & Spice Girl’s, were out of this world.

Now, all grown up, she has really made a name for herself in the music industry (fun fact: she wrote the song “If I Were a Boy”). She kills it. & on top of all her coolness, she also has a rad sense of style. Her style is a mix of hippy chic and boho glam, yet when time to hit the red carpet- she pulls of sleek and sophisticated like it’s nobodies business.

Read on lushes… xx

+ Fashionlush: Introduce yourself.

My names BC Jean, I’m 26 yrs old. I’m originally from San Diego but now living in Marina Del Rey, CA

+ FL: Tell us about your work and how you got into the business of singing/songwriting?

BC: Im a singer/songwriter. I started writing poems at a very young age. The earliest memory I have of writing is at 6yrs old. I wrote a poem about an apple tree that got picked to be the the newspaper.

I then began converting my poems into songs at age 14. And started taking my vocal training very serious. Since then I haven’t stopped writing and singing. I moved to LA when I was a junior in high school and finished my schooling independently. Since then, I have written many songs. Some I have released myself and some I have written for other artists. I have been recently working on finishing up my solo album.

Singer/ Songwriter BC Jean

+ FL: Best parts about living in Los Angeles and being in the music industry? Any celebs that got you feeling star struck?

BC: The best part for me is being around other creative people and being inspired everyday by the craziness I’m surrounded with. I don’t think I have ever really been starstruck, but I bet I would be with Steven Tyler.

I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very talented and successful people. I feel very lucky to do what I am doing everyday.

+ FL: I saw an interview with you and your man and he said “She’s like Janis Joplin minus the heroin”. I thought that was so spot on. Not only do you have that carefree vibe, epic sound, but also your style is so fun & eclectic. What inspires your fashion choices?

BC: I like to call my style hippie, rock, chic, but I’m a big comfort snob!

I’m really just like a mood ring. One day I might feel sad so I’ll put on something with color to brighten my day. But my usual go-to wardrobe choices are anything black, or black and white with a hint of color. I’m also a big accessories person. I love rings, hats, scarves, etc., but sometimes keeping it simple is sexiest to me. My mom always taught me K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid!).

bc jean and derek hough

+ FL: Who are your style icons?

BC: The people who inspire my style are: Steven Tyler, Janis Joplin, Stevie Knicks, Gwen Stefani, & Sienna Miller.

+ FL: Typical outfit for a day running errands? Going out on the town? Red carpet event?

BC: Running errands- anything comfortable. A lot of times Ill wear shorts or leggings with motorcycle boots and a t-shirt. Going out- depends on how crazy I’m feeling but I like to try new things and have fun with fashion while I’m young enough to enjoy it. Plus, I’m not someone who wants to look the same as anyone else. Red Carpet- something slimming and hopefully jaw dropping. I like to keep things a little edgy but still classy.

BC Jean Red Carpet

bc jean and mark ballas

+ FL: Trends you’re loving for Summer 2013? Trends you’re hating for Summer 2013?

BC: I love and hate the high waisted short shorts because they are not for everyone. I hate seeing them on people that shouldn’t be rocking them, but I love how they have inspired me to hit the gym and work my bum area with squats and lunges. I think knowing your body and working with what looks good for you can make or break a trend.

+ FL: What are your favorite places to shop??

BC: I love thrift shops. I always find cute stuff at Urban, but everyone else does too unfortunately, So I try to find ways of making things different. Also, Fred Segal is one of my favorite places to shop.

singer BC jean

bc jean fashion

+ FL: Tell us all your most sacred beauty and/or fashion secret.

BC: Keeping good skin is my #1 beauty tip. Hydrate, wash your face, moisturize, and not too much face makeup so your skin can breathe. When you want something more dramatic put fake eyelashes on or add a color to your lip or both.

+ FL: If dumped out your purse right this minute, what would we find?

BC: Oh goodness…. I’m like freaking Mary Poppins. I have my main purse with makeup, chapsticks (yes plural), phone charger, bobby pins, safety pins, Advil, toothbrush, hairbrush, hydration spray, and then usually a mini purse inside my big purse incase I just want to carry some money and lipstick and go.

+ FL: I am sure you have a closet full of epic shit, but if you had to grab just one item from your wardrobe, what would it be?

BC: Probably a leather jacket (great one found here) or my big Penny Lane inspired jacket (similar). Oooh, or my black velvet crushed bell bottoms (similar)… sorry I couldn’t pick just one !

FL: Tell us your no.1 motto:

BC: Work Hard, Play Hard. As long as you’re Happy


BC Jean


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