One of the few interesting landmarks that caught my attention while scouring online is the Faro de Punta de Malabrigo. While waiting for our lunch, we took a quick drive to visit this solitary sentinel. The white puffy clouds dancing across the endless blue sky was a perfect sight for our short jaunt. Surrounded by mountain ranges and vast rice fields it was like driving to the roads going to Laiya.

the white cylindrical tower

just love the contrast of this bricks

the haunting grounds of the lighthouse
No caretaker insight we got closer to the lighthouse. The gate was padlocked but I wasn’t contented just to look at this architectural marvel. The fence wasn’t high enough so I decided to climb over the fence. Just a note, I made sure to step on a solid piece of a fence and no parts or whatsoever were destroyed during the process.
up close
Despite of its obvious deterioration the place is still grand. Just being on the actual grounds was an eerie feeling. With the rustic metal grills surrounding the fence and some parts of the bricks chip off. The cylindrical tower was imposing and somehow I feel that I was transported back in time.
iron porch already rusting

Known as the Faro de Punta de Malabrigo,designed by Guillermo Brockman as a cylidrical brick tower
with metal staircase, adjacent pavilion and machine room.1891.Built by Chinese contractor Jose Garcia,1896
An outstanding work of architecture from the Spanish colonial period.It has served as beacon to sea vessels
at the Verde island passage. Declared as national landmark,27 November 2006. - NHI

awesome view indeed
PS: We went here May 2010. It's actually nice to know that this lighthouse now renovated - solar panels were added and most parts of the building are newly painted. Good job! Read more about this on Batang Lakwatsero's recent visit.