I can hardly find a legitimate investigation about anything anymore from world events to a shooting in Ferguson and even lesser events. Many investigations especially at the level of geopolitics are out and out faked. France, the Netherlands, the US, and the UK have all issued a number of fake investigations recently which came to completely false conclusions that something occurred that did not occur or that a party did something that they did not even do.
Most of this has centered around the conflict between NATO and Russia in particular in Syria, where I have never seen so many false flags, fake attacks, disinformation and out and out lies in my life. The war in the Ukraine was very similar, with the organization connected to NATO issuing a number of out of and out falsified investigations that blamed Russia or rebels for attacks that the Ukrainians had done.
Pat Lang, former high ranking DIA official, has called out a number of false flag attacks and out and out lies in the war in Syria. He specially called out Ash Carter in one attack where a US drone attacked an aid convoy, killing a number of aid workers, in order to blame the attack on Syria and Russia. But photographs of the attack showed that it was done by a drone and that the drone that fired on the convoy was a US drone.
Lang fought in Vietnam for many years and he says that the false flags, lies, fake attacks, and disinformation are a lot worse now than when he was in Vietnam and the Pentagon was in full disinformation mode all through the Vietnam War.
I am afraid we are heading into the era where the false flag attack becomes normal.
The primary Western government and media mode in geopolitics now is now spin, obfuscation, and lies. The MSM does no investigative journalism in US foreign policy matters and for all intents and purposes the entire Western media is the private disinformation media organ of the Pentagon and NATO. The media simply get their disinformation from the government, who often flat out lie about what happened.
Thus the narrative is written and the media continues quoting the lying Western government though the reporting cycle without bothering to find out if the government is lying or not when it often is. In this sense, the entire Western media, 100% of it, is completely worthless on foreign policy, geopolitics and Western wars and the Western media is a propaganda organ of the Western states no different from PRAVDA in the Soviet Union.
This move to constant lying and propaganda mode is part of the general anomie and cultural breakdown in the world – not least that of the media.
We must also recall now a common strategy of the empire: initiating agitation and divisions, feeding weapons and aid to both sides of a conflict to get them to wipe each other out so the imperialist hyenas can move in unimpeded. Should we expect different in the information war? Feed the trolls (of both camps)!
In the meantime everything becomes a matter of ‘opinion’, disinformation, mystification, obscurantism, confusion – and apathy.
Divide and conquer; confuse and conquer: the mode of the US/NATO empire and world dictator.