Hair & Beauty Magazine

Falling for Revlon's Berry Allure

By Julianne @julianneinjune

Revlon Berry Allure
Ever since Revlon re-released their Super Lustrous lip gloss range, I have been addicted to these glosses.   The most recent addition to my collection?  Berry Allure, the seemingly dark shade that goes on just sheer and glossy enough to give the most beautiful berry shade perfectly suited for fall.
The texture is what you'd expect from the Super Lustrous range; smooth without being sticky. The color, however, takes on more of a gel-like opacity that makes it build-able from natural to bold.
With my fair skin, it can hard to find a flattering berry shade but this one fits the bill. If you're looking to try this classic fall look, without breaking budget, it's Berry Allure all the way.
And now for a quick, grainy picture of the product:
Falling for Revlon's Berry Allure

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