Food & Drink Magazine

Fall Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed Bark

By Veronica46


If you are anything like me, you are gearing up for the holidays. My pantry is stocked with lots of stuff to make and give as gifts. I had some extra dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds from another project and thought it would be a great idea to combine them. I also had some white chocolate chips in the pantry. That is where this recipe was born. The intent was to make this and stash it in the freezer until Christmas. To make a long story short, it didn’t make it.


Working on a food blog I usually have a lot of food going on. Sometimes the food overflows. The family cant eat it all so I bring it in to work or to my friends at St Pius School where I sometimes volunteer.  I have plenty of willing testers. I love it that they are more than glad to give me their opinions on everything food that I make.  I am happy to say that this bark did not make it to work or to school. The hubster and I ate every bit of it. Nope, not a crumb left. I am not sorry to say that. I am sorry to say I wish you could have tasted this. It was pretty good if I don’t say so myself.


Print Recipe

Fall Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed Bark


12 ounces white chocolate chips

1/4 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup pumpkin seeds


In a double boiler or microwave gently melt the chips stirring often. Spread melted chocolate on baking sheet lined with parchment paper or slipat. Spread to 1/4 inc thickness. Evenly spread the cranberries and pumpkin seeds all over the chocolate.

Place the bark in the refrigerator for 20 minutes until chocolate has hardened .

Break or cut into pieces and enjoy.

Peace be with you,


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