Politics Magazine

Fake News: North Korea Has an ICBM That Can Hit the US

Posted on the 13 August 2017 by Calvinthedog


Bottom line – the whole thing is a massive lie, apparently based on false analysis of the rockets fired. The rockets fired were “fake ICBM’s” – made to seem like ICBM’s but not real ICBM’s because the only way they got their extreme altitude and possible range was by putting a very light dummy warhead on the tip. With a normal 600-1,000 pound atom bomb warhead that would be needed for such a flight, the missile would not have gone as far as it did. And even if they were able to get a warhead of the 600-1,000 pounds needed to hit the US, the Hwangsong-14 could not have carried it – they would need to build a new and better rocket.

However, they could certainly hit South Korea, Japan and Guam with a nuclear missile. That’s not even under debate.

You must understand that the government always lies to us about the capabilities of the states it deems enemies.

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