Fashion Magazine

Facial Skin Care Tips for the More Long-lasting Natural Look

By Clarissa17 @ClarissaSeaton

People have always wanted to achieve a beautiful and attractive face. This is the reason why women are forever waiting for current beauty trends, as well as the latest skin care tips and advices in order to attain a perfect beauty.

The latest trend now is to go natural. There have been a growing number of dermatologists, nutritionists, and cosmetic surgeons who openly declare that the right thing to do is to use natural methods of facial care. For them, it is vital to put only natural and organic products into the face if women want to achieve a naturally clean, clear, and attractive looking face.

Here are some of the most effective Face Care Tips:

Facial Skin Care for Dryness

For those with dry skin, they can use a tablespoon of Olive Oil and apply evenly all throughout the face. Allow it to stay in the face for around ten to 15 minutes. Rinse the face thoroughly afterwards. Olive oil is all natural, and is so effective in nourishing and hydrating the skin. This 100% organic treatment can be done once a week.

Natural Solution for Dark Circles around the Eyes

Some people suffer from dark circles around the eyes. A natural solution to this is a potato. One must grate a potato and place it in cheesecloth. Apply to the eyes for 20 minutes and voila! The dark circles magically vanish.

In the absence of potatoes, women may use a couple of cucumber slices. Cucumber is also effective in lessening the dark circle and taking away the puffiness. To cap off the process, apply an effective eye gel that contains Vitamin E and CoQ10.

Skin Care Tip to Remove Excessive Oil

There are many products in the market that are supposed to solve excess oil in a woman’s face. However, many of these items are extremely harsh, which means that too much of the natural oils are taken away from the facial skin, leaving it dry and damaged.

A natural way of removing excessive oil is by using a mixture of honey and egg white. Apply the mix into the oil-prone areas of the face such as neck, forehead, and nose. Allow it to stay for ten minutes. Wash of the mixture with a simple facial cleanser. One will discover her face to be visibly cleared of oil.

Indeed, the current beauty trends are geared towards the use of 100 % organic ingredients to ensure a natural-looking beauty. Synthetic and chemical-laden facial skin care products must be avoided at all costs. This will ensure that one will be able to enjoy a safe and healthy nourishment for the facial skin, allowing it heal and be beautified in a natural manner.

Image Source: Google Images

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