Politics Magazine

Face It, Seduction Is Basically a Scam

Posted on the 12 July 2017 by Calvinthedog

If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that seduction is a scam. It’s true, seduction is basically men scamming, tricking, fooling and lying to women. Show me an expert seducer or player, and I will show you a superb and masterfully skilled liar, one of the best. Honestly doesn’t work if you want to be a player. If you want to be a womanizer, you need to learn to lie your fool head off and get damn good at it.

I tried to be an honest womanizer for a while when I was around 20. It was a serious failure, and looking back on it, it was one of the stupidest things I have ever attempted. I told men about my experiences, and they got this little twinkle in their eye and said, “Why were you honest? You’re supposed to lie about that, didn’t you know?”

If you can’t stand being a big, fat damn liar, just forget about being a player. You will only fail.

There’s nothing wrong with monogamy. Many monogamous men live fantastic lives. Just find yourself a girlfriend or wife and be in a monogamous relationship with her. It should not be too hard as you are an upright fellow anyway.

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