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Fabulous And Feminine!

By Therelishedroost

Fabulous And Feminine!

Well, it was an exhausting week. I was terrible about keeping up with the blog , but to be honest my heart just wasn't in it this past week.  I am coming around though and was truly thinking about all the wonderful women out there who are mothers or who could be considered mothers just by the way they care for others. I am totally drawn to all things feminine this weekend. I spend quite a while searching Pinterest for rooms that I felt were feminine and fabulous and that doesn't mean they have to be pink! I hope you enjoy my picks this lovely Mother's Day weekend and I am sending all of you out there warm thoughts and peace so  you can enjoy your day!
Fabulous And Feminine!
Fabulous And Feminine!
Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Would do a whole room around this painting!  DanaGils

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Goxwa Borg- Another room inspiring Painting!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

Fabulous And Feminine!

LOVE! Véronique Paquereau

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