While at Guido's, an incredible market I've mentioned before which sells everything from raw food to wine to infused olive oils and beautiful organic produce, I found this: Artisana's Cacao Bliss. It is a raw chocolate coconut spreadable nectar. Seriously. It took all of one glance at this jar to make me throw it in my cart. I am apparently not the only one sold on this product: It just won Best New Vegetarian Product from VegNews!
Yesterday I took out the jar, along with some gluten-free crackers, and spread some on top. I needed to sort of scrape the Cacao Bliss out of the container ~ it's not as smooth as a nut butter, but it was delicious! While I was eating, I read the back to see that you can heat it and pour it over frozen treats or add it to smoothies so guess what I did next? I made a smoothie!
This morning I cut up one banana and four strawberries. I threw them in the blender with a cup of crushed ice, 2 TBSP of cacao bliss and 2 TBSP of vanilla almond milk. Amazing! I, again, did not heat the chocolate-coconut mixture, but I imagine that would just heighten those flavors if I had.
It's healthy, decadent, and so good...look for it in a store near you today and enjoy!