Okay, so coming back to the most gorgeous looking FAB BAG ever - ie August Fabbag 2015.
August Fab Bag has come up with the theme called "Cast A Spell"
I was totally awestruck with the bag that had the contents, it is a shiny pink bag and totally made me smile ear to ear. By the way you can check July Bag,June Bag,May Bag and April Bag :)

So, lets check the contents of my August Fab Bag
Roots Professional Morocvita Oil at Rs 2000 for 120 ml
I have heard about Argan Oil and would love to try this sample size of the magic potion.

Bioderma Photoderm Mat SPF 30 at Rs 1330 for 40 ml
I have used their makeup remover and I totally love it. Bioderma did raised my expectations on their products and these sunscreen samples may last me for a week's usage and I am sure that I can totally tell if I would buy the full sized product or not. Let's see.

Divo Eyelash Curler at Rs 125
I had used the faces eyelash curler. But I felt that it became too used to my eyelashes and stopped performing well. I was anyway going to buy one eyelash curler and this pretty little thing came to me just in time.

Ital Veloce Body Mist - Valvatina at INR 499 for 210 ml
This is a very feminine musk smell which lingers on your body for almost 6-8 hours. I liked the fragrance.