Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Explore the Link Between Psychology and Energy…

By Intuitivepsychology @DocIntuitive

energy mind

Mindfulness and intuition go hand in hand as tools to heighten your awareness, and increase your appreciation for the choices and possibilities available to you. Join me, along with well respected and world-renowned medical intuitive and energy healer, Ondre Seltzer, as we combine our views on the mind and the spirit and how they connect in this unique approach to learning about mindfulness. This workshop will help you better understand how your thoughts affect your mind, body, spirit and energetic frequency. Learn how to make simple changes to both improve your health and positively impact the world around you.

The Frequency of Mindfulness: Exploring the Link Between Psychology and Energy
with Dr. Sari Roth-Roemer, Ph.D., Medical Psychology,
and Ondre, Medical Intuition and Energy Medicine

Saturday, November 9th from 10am-12noon
in the LUX training center at Intuitive Psychology, PLC

Reservations are required as space is limited. Registration: $45 per person, with discounts for accompanying family members and students. Register online at: or by phone at: (480) 261-4061

About Sari Roth-Roemer, Ph.D.

About Ondre:

I hope you’ll join us…it’s sure to be like nothing you’ve ever attended before…

Be happy and well,
Sari Roth-Roemer, Ph.D.

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