Here is my exercise vomit for the week (so far). If you don’t know what that means, exercise vomit is when when someone feels the need write down the components of the workout they just did or are going to do as their Facebook status (or on their blog) and continue to go on about how hard or how great it was.
Sunday: Swim technique class – swam about 2,200 yards
Monday: Ran hills on the treadmill using this workout (which I tweaked a bit)
Tuesday: 1.5 hours of hot yoga
Wednesday: 5:45 a.m. spin class. I’m not sure what was worse getting up so early or the ball busting workout this manic instructor gave
Thursday (today): 8 mile trail run
You know how I love my trail runs. It’s fun because sometimes you can’t even see the trail so you have to use your navigation skills and all of your senses to not get lost. I hear this is good for your aging brain just like crossword puzzles.

Today was chilly – but not as bad as it has been. About 25 degrees at the start. Here is where I built a bonfire to warm up:

I love this particular trail (Heil Ranch for you locals) because it heads up for a few miles, then you do a loop at the top that affords amazing views. Do not be jealous of my outfit. If you want to look like this, just dump all of your running clothes in the middle of your floor, close your eyes and pick two tops and two bottoms. Oh, and be sure to put on compression socks under your tights. It’s double compression which basically cuts off all circulation to anywhere in your body. I hear that’s good for recovery.

There is about 1,000 feet of climbing over 8 miles, which is a definite workout, but not ridiculous. I managed to average a heart rate of 151 bmps – really good for me and my racing heart.

At this point I’m just continuing to establish my base to start marathon training. Right now I’m running about 20 miles per week. Yep, that’s it. You know what they say: if your miles are low, your IQ is high (made that up but I’m sure it’s true).
Do you always go by a workout plan, or do you do what you feel like on any given day? In my non-training times I do what I feel like. I’m a believer that the more well rounded you are, the stronger your body will be in all areas. However, when you’ve got a specific race goal, you obviously need to primarily focus on that activity (Law of Specificity).
How many times per week do you work out? I try for six days with one complete rest day.
Do you use a heart rate monitor while running? I always wear one, but don’t always stick to my correct zones.