We do not have a democracy in the US anymore, if we ever had one in the first place. We now officially have a dictatorship now that we have solid proof that Donald Trump stole the Presidency via hacking of voting machines that are used to count the votes in many states.
Two Senators in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania also stole their seats with those machines.
The machines were used to steal the vote for Trump in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The Republicans have been stealing elections for a long time with these machines.
Even the Democratic wins were actually far greater than what they ended up with. Clinton won one of his elections by 15-20 points, but the machines whittled it way down to half that size or less. They have also been using those damned machines to steal elections in the mid-year. Many seats were stolen in the 2006 midyear elections. I am wondering how many of those state Legislature and Senate seats and governorships have been stolen? The GOP has been on a roll for some time now, especially since Obama came in with many state Legislatures, Senates and Governorships going Republican. In part this is due to many states simply turning redder, but I suspect that in part it may also have been due to fraud with those machines.
You might also be interested to note that Hillary Clinton stole a number of primaries from Bernie Sanders with those same machines.
And in this fake democracy, we can’t even do recounts of stolen elections! There was no proper recount done in Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin. And the media lied and said the recounts did not uncover any fraud. Recounts done by the states themselves prior to the official recount found 26,000 fake votes for Trump in Pennsylvania, 5,000 fake votes for Trump in Wisconsin and 2,000 fake votes for Trump in Michigan. In Detroit and the surrounding area alone, there were 80,000 undervotes for President. This is unprecedented. In a typical election, there should be maybe 20,000 undervotes in the whole state.
Most of the stolen votes in Michigan were deemed unrecountable based on an insane Michigan law that says were a fraudulent election is suspected (where voter sign-in numbers do not match ballot numbers) the vote in that precinct is “unrecountable.” So we have evidence of possible fraud, that means we can’t recount the votes! 100% of pre-election polls in Michigan predicted a Hillary win by ~3%. There is no way that all of the pre election polls in Michigan were wrong. It’s just not possible.
In Wisconsin the votes in the Democratic-heavy cities were not even recounted. They were just run through the same machines that probably miscounted them in the first place. Running them through the machines again is not a recount. The only valid recount is by hand.
There was no recount in Pennsylvania because all votes in Pennsylvania are unrecountable! They are counted by optical scan machines and there is no paper trail afterwards. There’s nothing to count!
The Trump win in Florida was statistically impossible. Hillary was running ~65% in the early voting, even capturing 28% of Republican women. In order for Trump to surpass that huge early lead there would have to be such a massive turnout of Trump supporters on election day such that would never happen. And there’s no reason why only Hillary voters and not Trump voters would vote early.
A similar scenario occurred in North Carolina. Hillary was up 65% in early voting again with I believe 50% of the vote counted. The Trump win there, while statistically possible, is highly unlikely as it would rest upon the notion that a huge number of Hillary voters voted early and then never showed up on Election Day and hardly any Trump voters voted early and the vast majority of them voted on Election Day. It’s absurd.
If those elections in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan were so clean, why did the Republicans go crazy trying to stop the recounts? If the election is fair, a recount is nothing to worry about. In this sick joke of a fake democracy, it appears that no Presidential election can ever be recounted no matter how much evidence of fraud. It’s incredible!
Remember when Trump kept saying that the election was going to be rigged? Trump has a habit of projecting and accusing his opponents of doing exactly what he does. Trump was saying that because the election was going to be rigged, by him! In the last few days before the election, Trump and his campaign chair and Giuliani were all extremely confident that Trump would carry Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Everyone else was shaking their heads because Hillary had been leading in almost all polls in those states for some time.
The day before the election, Paul Manafort, Trump’s man with deep connections to Putin’s Russia, told Trump to go to Michigan, despite being behind in all polls there for a long time. Did Manafort know something we do not know? Were the Russians in on the hacking of the election? I would not put it past them, as Putin stole an election in Ukraine a decade ago by hacking the voting machines. Also Russia was caught hacking into a voter registration database of a company in Florida five weeks before the election. That company ran the voter registration database for North Carolina. No one knows what was done in that hack.
The last time election polls were off by this much as in Dewey vs. Truman and polling was in its infancy back then. There is no way on Earth that all of the pollsters got this election wrong. The average of all of the polls was way off in this election. It simply not statistically possible for that to occur in the US. It can’t happen. So none of the pollsters were off. The pollsters were right like they always are. Hillary did win the election except Trump stole it by fraud. Polls cannot predict the outcome of a fraudulent election.
We also know that two Senate seats were stolen this year, one in Wisconsin and one in Pennsylvania.
it is not only Republicans who are stealing elections. This year for the first time, it appears that the Democrats were stealing elections. Of course it was the corporate Democrats around Hillary and the DNC who are the suspects. Hillary appears to have stolen a number of those primaries from Sanders and reduced his lead in others. It looks like the voting machines were used to do this. I would not put it past Hillary to do this. I think she is almost a sociopath.
The voting machines have been being made from Day One by three large corporations. The heads of these corporations are all far rightwing partisans. As soon as those machines got put in, we started seeing a lot of stolen elections for the first time in a long time in the US. Also the software used to count the ballots is proprietary and no one is allowed to look at it. So the elections of the USA are being counted by machines made by a private corporation with proprietary code that no one can look at! Incredible.
This whole thing looks like a Republican plot from the very beginning. Soon after the 2000 debacle which was actually won by Al Gore because Gore actually did win in Florida, Karl Rove and Jack Abramson, the convicted criminal wrote a bill mandating that all states use voting machines in coming elections. Many states then went over to the machines. After these machines were put in in many places, we started seeing a startling number of fraudulent elections. So it looks like that law by Rove and Abramson was written with the knowledge that the Republicans were going to use the machines to steal elections. Computerized voting machines were not in use in 1988, but there is good evidence that Dukakis actually won that election and that Bush Sr. stole it. The votes were being counted by large tallying machines somewhat like the machines that count time cards.
These computerized voting machines have been declared illegal in most of the EU. As usual, the Europeans are far behind us American primitives. In addition, recounts are held regularly in European elections. I believe in Germany now, all major elections go through an automatic hand recount as a matter of course. Now that’s democracy! While democracy blooms in civilized Europe, dictatorship looms in barbarian America.
The mass media refuses to believe that elections are being stolen via these machines. They just will not buy it. I am unsure why this is. The Democratic Party also will not believe that these elections are being stolen, even though they are being stolen right from their own party. I am not sure why that is.
Until we get rid of these damned voting machines, we will never have a democracy in America.
I would also like to point out that the Republican gerrymandering of districts is outrageous and profoundly undemocratic. They have set it up so that no matter what we do, the House of Representatives will be Republican until 2028. There is simply nothing at all we can do to change that. That’s not democracy. That’s dicatorship. Partisan gerrymandering should be illegal. Gerrymandering if it must be done should be done by panels of nonpartisan judges. Studies have shown that nonpartisan gerrymandering results in districts that are much fairer than the partisan ones we have now.
There is no democracy in this country anyway. I don’t think we have had one day of democracy in this country from the very start. The government was set up to be a government of the rich and the elite, and it’s been that way ever since. The people who run this country do not believe democracy. Wealthy elites the world over always hate democracy. Rule by wealthy elites in most places on Earth is dependent on undemocratic means to stay in power. There are just not enough regular working people who are stupid enough to vote for the parties of the rich.