Politics Magazine

Evidence That Ancient Humans May Have Had Psi Powers That Have Mostly Disappeared in Modern Humans

Posted on the 22 December 2018 by Calvinthedog

Interestingly, people who spend time with the Khoisan, the oldest living remains of a human genetic line, report that many Khoisans, especially the men, seem to have psychic powers. There are many reports of what seems to be telepathy and clairvoyance on the part of Khoisans towards their visitors.

I think this makes sense because psi powers seem to be a primitive form of perception.

As an example, lower mammals have been reported to have strong psi powers. Significant psi powers have been reported in both dogs and cats, especially dogs. A captive lion or tiger once showed significant psi powers.

These include dogs who seem to know that the phone is going to ring before it rings. These dogs will go sit by the phone up to ten minutes before a human they are close to calls. Others will go to the door up to ten minutes before a human they are close to comes home.

Others have gone outside and waited for the humans they were close to to come home from long vacations. The humans returned on exactly the day that the dog went outside to wait for them. This is the same behavior that was reported in the lion or tiger.

Sasquatches of Bigfoots, if they exist at all, seem to be relict hominids, cave men from the Stone Age, remnants of our ancient ancestors still walking about. There is excellent evidence for their existence, but it has not yet been sufficient to meet the standards of modern science, which will require a body.

Anyway, many Sasquatch reports, including those of many Indian tribes across North America that had no communication with each other, report that Sasquatches have psi powers.

If lower animals, relict hominids and the oldest living humans all have psi powers, it makes sense to posit that ancient humans once had psi powers too, but with the development of language and primitive society, they became less useful and hence were selected out of the gene pool. There may however be remnants left, which account for many odd human reports of psi skills.

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