Entertainment Magazine

Evian Christ – Salt Carousel

Posted on the 06 December 2013 by Rosiedtrax @RosieDTrax

salt carousel - waterfall ep big

Evian Christ (AKA Joshua Leary) has unveiled his new single ‘Salt Carousel’.

There’s been plenty of buzz surrounding the young electronic music producer of late, considering his most recent accomplishment involved working on the critically acclaimed ‘Yeezus’ album from Kanye West. His music encompasses a wide variety of styles from Trap, to Hip Hop and Ambient to early Dub Step.

Evian Christ continues to demonstrate his cutting edge talents with his latest single ‘Salt Carousel’. With its dark, atmospheric and edgy tones, the track cuts through you with its looped jagged synth line,  distorted vocals and  pounding bass.

Salt Carousel‘ is set for release in 2014 through ‘Tri Angle’. Upcoming performances include ‘Oval Space Music: Evian Christ Live & Special guests’ at Oval Space, March 2014.

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