French Foreign Minister just said that they get rid of Syria's chemical weapons, also keep this in mind for the next time they lie
— Within Syria (@WithinSyriaBlog) April 14, 2018
The US and France are both confirming that all of Assad’s chemical weapons have been destroyed in these attacks. Of course that’s nonsense as the attacks would have caused poisonous smoke clouds and Assad doesn’t have any chemical weapons, but never mind. Keep this mind the next time they try this bullshit, and there will be a next time.
Please recall that Secretary of State John Kerry, President Barack Obama and other top Administration officials certified that Syria had gotten rid of its chemical weapons. I guess they were all lying? Also the OPCW certified that they had all been destroyed too. Yet a few years later, the OPCW is saying Assad used sarin at Khan Sheikhoun. Did they lie the first time? Did Assad start making them again? This makes no sense.
People in Damascus now, celebrating the end of the horrifying US strike, in a Kurdish fashion
— Within Syria (@WithinSyriaBlog) April 14, 2018
Footage from #Damascus Now shows buoyant Damascenes in Umayyad Square in "defiance of Tripartite Aggression", celebrating a "morning of victory".
Pro-regime FB mocking #Syriastrikes:
"That's as many missiles as you can get with Saudi money. Insert another coin to continue"— Riam Dalati (@Dalatrm) April 14, 2018
Syrians are rallying around Assad. His popularity has never been greater. Good job America! You just boosted Assad’s ratings!
Trump just lost his hardcore base, this is his end
— Within Syria (@WithinSyriaBlog) April 14, 2018
Trump’s hardcore base, Alex Jones of Infowars, is livid over these attacks. He may lose some of his base for this folly. However, Twitter is full of yahoos cheering on the attacks. Looking at them, almost all are Trumpist Republicans. There are a few Dems too, even progressives?!
Footage from earlier this morning from #Damascus #Barzeh in distance where #SSRC was hit, with one cruise missile after the other. #SyriaStrikes
— Riam Dalati (@Dalatrm) April 14, 2018
Also Russian planes flooded the skies over Damascus and areas that were hit two hours into the barrage. Apparently a serious warning against future attacks. As soon as that happened, the allies stopped their attacks.
Al-Mayadeen: 13 US missiles were shot down over al-Kaswa south of Damascus
— Within Syria (@WithinSyriaBlog) April 14, 2018
American yahoos, mostly conservatives, think that the US military has no equals. They are outraged at reports that many of the missiles were shot down, and they say it’s lies. This is part of the war psychosis that our society cultivates. See recent Glen Greenwald’s tweets and articles analyzing the American elites and public’s love of war.
The Syrian Army is now repelling an attack of ISIS around al-Yarmuk camp south of Damascus
— Within Syria (@WithinSyriaBlog) April 14, 2018
An ISIS attack was coordinated with the allied strikes. This has happened a lot. US special forces and ISIS are working together in the east right now. ISIS is all over over there, but we are refusing to attack them.
Also, many ISIS changed uniforms and went to the Al-Tanf base in Eastern Syria where the US and allies are training more rebels. We just trained 5-10,000 rebranded ISIS over there. We are using ISIS to keep Assad out of Eastern Syria, which we have essentially colonized.
103 cruise missiles were fired and 71 were shot down. That’s a ~70% interception rate. There’s no way that the Syrians could have done that on their own. With the AA equipment they had, it’s not possible that they could have shot down more than 15-20% of the missiles.
What happened was this: Russian electronic warfare. Russian EW capabilities are among the best in the world. The US knows little about them as they are mostly secret. Even most Russian people don’t know much about them. This equipment was used to help down those missiles and that is how the kill rate went from 17% – 70%.
Here is what happened. Russian EW jams the cruise missile as it is incoming. This causes it to lose its connection to the place it was fired from which is guiding it. It then reverts to its own auto-guide system, which is not nearly as good. As a result of the jamming and the switch to auto-guide, the missile often goes off-course but most importantly, it slows down a lot. The slowing down of the missiles is what made them so much easier for Syrian AA (which is early 70’s tech – let’s face it) to shoot down so many missiles.
The same must have happened to the Israeli missiles, of which six out of nine were shot down by Syria. The Russians had to have jammed those missiles as they were coming in, otherwise the Syrians would have only shot down one or two of them.
Footage from earlier this morning from #Damascus #Barzeh in distance where #SSRC was hit, with one cruise missile after the other. #SyriaStrikes
— Riam Dalati (@Dalatrm) April 14, 2018
Note that these strikes took place right before the OPCW team was to head to Douma to investigate the attacks. Remember in the Iraq War when the war started just before the UN was getting ready to confirm that Saddam had no WMD’s? We start these wars based on lies because we don’t the investigators to come in and find out it’s bullshit!
Notice that the UK, France and the US just attacked Syria after Mohammad bin Sultan, the horrible new Saudi leader, visited those three exact countries? See how this works?
By the way, the three places were bombed were part of Assad’s dismantled chemical weapons program – a research center, an ammo dump and a command and control facility. All of these were inspected by the OPCW which confirmed that all chemical weapons and apparatus in those places had been destroyed. The OPCW were due to inspect those places again because the allies said that Assad had revamped them in a new chemical weapons program, but we bombed all three of those places so now the OPCW can’t go there to confirm our chemical weapons fairy tales? See how this works?