Creativity Magazine

Evening in the East--Reflections

By Vickilane
Evening in the East--Reflections

I continue to reflect on The Warmth of Other Suns which I recently blogged about, even I read news reports of hysterical opposition to so-called Critical Race Theory.

The trials people of color endured and still endure deserve to be talked about. I believe that there is not a White person alive who has not, in various ways, benefited from the oppression suffered by people of color.

Evening in the East--Reflections

My idyllic childhood was surely enabled by the presence of various Black women who did tasks around our house I might otherwise have been called on to do. My schooling avoided the mention of unpleasant truths--it was all those happy Indians welcoming Columbus and sharing a Thanksgiving feast with the Pilgrims--who would soon massacre almost a whole tribe.

 And White privilege was always with me--applying to college or for a job or a credit card or a loan. (Of course, my husband had to cosign for my first credit card back in '64, but that's another rant.)

Evening in the East--Reflections

There is so much in American history that was white-washed or soft-pedaled. No, I don't advocate talking to first graders about genocide--but maybe we could lose the fairy tales about the happy Indians and the kind-hearted plantation owners. Just like Santa and the Easter Bunny--sooner or later the truth needs to be clear.

And if it makes folks uncomfortable--maybe it should.

Evening in the East--Reflections


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