First, I applied the dye on my black roots, not in the hair stalk. I applied in on my entire head. Then started applied it on the hair stalks too, left it for about 30 minutes.
I washed it clean, applied a few of the Silky Treatment to make my hair smooth, FYI, your hair will become sooo dry after applied this kind of hair dye but thanks to the Silky Treatment Etude gave, it made my hair totally smooth.

And here is the final results!

Yeah, it took so much time though but it's totally worth it since you would get a very nice result.
For you that have troubles with dying your hair with Bubble products, you should try my tips. Don't waste all the product in one application, use half of them first, then repeat the proccess allover again. I bet you will get better results.
And here are some PIC SPAMMINGS of my new hair color ^^

That's all I wanna share, thanks for reading my blogs!
Lotta Love,
posted on 26 May at 16:15
que color usaste? waa te ha quedado muy bonito