This years Climate Week’s Ambassador was Wayne Hemingway, son of a professional wrestler, and perhaps someone best known for establishing the fashion label Red or Dead (along with his wife). It all started one day from a small stall at the Camden Market where he and his wife started selling second hand clothes and shoes.
By the end of their first year they expanded from one to sixteen market stalls all selling quality second-hand clothing and footwear brought in from all over the world. These days Wayne runs Hemingway Design, a company that he started after selling his Red or Dead label in 1999. Hemingway Design specializes in affordable, well-designed housing with a friendly living environment that people can enjoy.
Climate Week, this year saw thousands of businesses, charities, schools and communities that came together from all across the UK to help inspire action on climate change. Nissan was one of the major partners of this year’s event and took the opportunity to showcase their fully innovative zero emission car, the Leaf. Here in an Environmental Pod cast we had an opportunity to find out from Wayne what he thought about the new Nissan Leaf as well as some of his other opinions and views on issues related to Climate Change.
“As part of Nissan sponsoring Climate Week I had a chance to try out the Nissan Leaf witch is the world first zero emission family car. I was really impressed with it – it felt like a car should feel, you know it didn’t feel like it was compromised in any way. With the Leaf you can travel 100 miles in it, its ridiculously cheap to charge, and it has the acceleration, allowing you to go as fast as you legally want to go and it more then does the job” - Wayne Hemingway
Listen to Wayne as he share’s some of his views on why people still seem to be unsure about Climate Change, how a recession can help people be more sustainable, and how he has helped large businesses like Nissan, Coca-Cola and McDonalds to make more environmental, sustainable decisions that will help the environment for us now and for future generations.
To find out more information about the topics that we have discussed here with Wayne Hemingway then we recomend that they check out
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