Lifestyle Magazine

Engagement Rings: Taking the First Step Towards a Perfect Wedding

By Claire
engagement ring by wedding photographer Alison Groves

Photo credit: Ali­son Groves (click to see fea­tured wed­ding blog)

Of course the first step in any wed­ding is the pro­posal, and what is a pro­posal with­out the per­fect engage­ment ring? Tak­ing that first step can be a fright­en­ing prospect as there is always some amount of doubt in the back of the man’s mind as to whether or not his pro­posal will be accepted.

It’s almost like a tod­dler tak­ing his or her first steps when learn­ing to walk. You see the baby stand­ing there pre­car­i­ously, wob­bling back and forth a lit­tle awk­wardly, until enough courage is amassed to take that giant first step. This is prob­a­bly what most men are expe­ri­enc­ing when try­ing to find the per­fect moment to ‘pop the ques­tion’ and one which would be great par­o­died on clas­sic com­edy hours such as America’s Sat­ur­day Night Live or the UK’s fab­u­lously famous show of the late 60’s and early 70’s Monty Python’s Fly­ing Circus.

How­ever, that fatal first step really can be a poten­tial haz­ard to your health, so plan your moment wisely men! There is the story of a young cou­ple stand­ing atop the Brook­lyn Bridge and as the man went to pro­pose, the engage­ment ring fell to the lev­els below, much to their cha­grin. The young man began climb­ing his way down the bridge to find the ring but the traf­fic came to a halt as onlook­ers thought he was try­ing to com­mit sui­cide. That isn’t quite the earth-shattering, ground-breaking event he was look­ing for!

Find­ing just the right engage­ment ring is often dif­fi­cult enough, but get­ting the courage to make the pro­posal is almost more stress than many men can han­dle. It is all well and good to get cre­ative when propos­ing, but be care­ful not to get too zeal­ous in your plans. As a side note, if you intend to pop the ques­tion whilst sky­div­ing or stand­ing atop Mt. Ever­est, it might be wise to take out some insur­ance as well – on both the ring and your lives!

The Beau­ti­ful Com­pany is a spe­cial­ist online jew­eller that car­ries an exten­sive selec­tion of eter­nity rings, engage­ment rings and wed­ding rings. Ask about the buy-now pay-later option and their exclu­sive 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Engagement ring photographed by Tino and Pip wedding photography

Photo credit: Tino and Pip (click for wed­ding feature)

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