Gardening Magazine

End of 2014

By Scarecrow
Spring came and went quite unproductively, harvest-wise in the garden. We have been busy re-shaping the garden to create a workable propagating area and more manageable growing spaces.
Swapping sheds around, building beds and shade structures and clearing garden beds to allow for machinery to gain access to remove a large and very dead gum tree out the back.
End of 2014This tree had to be removed before any major work began on building the greenhouse and shade houses...really before most of the spring garden could be planted out.
It wasn't until mid Dec that this tree was able to be removed! But it is gone now and Doc and I have been very busy sorting out the garden!
Since August I have not been and will no longer be weighing the produce as it is harvested...I will just keep a record of which crops are being harvested. I will keep a tally of eggs and will again note temperature and rainfall with a new weather station once A) it has been installed and B) I learn how to use it!!!
Weather (as of Aug from the Bureau of Meteorology) for 2014
Jan....Low 8.9C....High 43.4C.... Rain 9mm
Feb....Low 6.3C....High 41.4C....Rain 37mm
Mar....Low 4.8C....High 34.3C....Rain 3mm
Apr....Low 3.9C....High 33.4 C....Rain 84.5mm
May....Low  2C....High  23.3C....Rain 51 mm
Jun....Low  -1.2C....High  16.4C....Rain  22.5mm
July....Low -5.2C....High  18.2C....Rain 15 mm
Aug....Low -4.8C....High 22.5C....Rain  11.8mm
Sept....Low  0.5C....High  18.8C....Rain 26 mm
Oct....Low  -1.4C....High 34.9C....Rain  0.3mm
Nov....Low  1.1C....High  38.7C....Rain  9.4mm
Dec....Low  4.9C....High 34.9C....Rain 16.4mm
Total Rainfall for 2014 was 285.9mm our average is 330.2mm
End of 2014Month by Month Eggs...Total for 2014...873 eggs.
Jan 32
Feb 12
Mar 32
Apr 1
May 11
Jun 40
Jul 102
Aug 117
Sept 150
Oct 150
Nov 114
Dec 112
Looking forward to a more productive 2015...I aim to be positive this year and set myself small easily accomplished goals for each day!!
I hope everyone has a great year in their gardens and that we all have perfect weather conditions for growing our food...or at least find strategies to work with what our climate chooses to throw at us this year!!!

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