Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Encouragement Of A Different Kind.

By Jenrene

I have been working on a self coaching program and courses that helps women to notice their strength.  I am very excited about it. I started this post last summer, and for some reason, it has taken me almost  nine months to  deliver this message of hope and healing for women. The first series will have to do with silencing the soul.  This phenomenal idea  was born out of a  silent weekend while spending time with  friend at Lebh Shomea Retreat Center. It was the experience of a lifetime, because it was my first silent retreat. I grew so much.  I had so many emotions n one weekend! I  was  afraid,  happy, elated,  at peace with myself and God, became kinda lonely ( at one point) – because  you couldn’t talk to anyone…,  awkward….  one of my retreats I went on in  May of 2013.

Great things usually happen for me, in May. Every year it seems. so May brings sheer enjoyment for me. This year, it was the birth of my self care courses. Hopefully, I can bring them to venues and retreats I hold to help those I encourage grow  in their souls. we all have a body, a spirit, and a soul.  The soul involves your mind, will and emotions.  Why is it so important to have soul growth? Because soul growth is about  nurturing  the parts of yourself that rarely is attended to. Your mind, can become quite jumbled when you  don’t allow it to rest or meditate on good things. Even the Bible tells you to think on “good things”.  Your will, involves the seat of choices and decisions. without them, you have no boundaries,  lots of frustrations and  mixed emotions.  Andlastly, your emotions are important, becuase they involve the parts of you that

As a therapist, I have learned how important it has been o care for myself. Within the past three years, specifically. I decided to begin  a career opportunity  that allowed me to  be a trauma  therapist for women in recovery from addictions. this opportunity helped me tap into  a  world hat was entirely new to me,  and as I  kept a journal and took note of my soul, and how to care for it I came  to a greater awareness about myself. The course will allow those who take the time  to  do them to experience a  more heightened sense of awareness about themselves and how to care for themselves on a daily  basis.

I have learned how to encourage myself. I am SO happy about that,because it’s revelational.  I used to turn to others to meet soul needs.

Yet now… I own wisdom. My constant companion.

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