A quick note on the Empire State Building shooting reported this morning during the rush hour in NYC - it happened at the corner of 5th Avenue & 34 St if you know New York. I understand so far that 2 people were killed and at least 10 injured. This is a part of New York I personally know quite well as a few year ago on holiday I stayed just a few blocks from this corner.

Neptune today is in an exact quindecile aspect with Mercury. Neptune in paran aspect over New York with fixed Star Alphecca, a connection that brings sadness and confusion. Mercury was today rising as star Altair (a star in the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle) was setting. This star is associated with boldness of action, possibly with military connections as well as with relationship issues. The story so far goes that an employee, possibly a security guard at the ESB was fired, he left and then returned with a gun to exact some sort of revenge. Over New York, Pluto is in paran with star Zosma (Leo) which shows that this area is victimised and sadness is in the air.
One other thing that fills out the picture. Mars has just entered Scorpio after enduring a conjunction with Saturn in Libra. Mars conjunct Saturn in Libra highlights frustration in relationships, and as Mars moved out of range of Saturn and into decisive Scorpio, this shooting occurred. Looking at the fixed star connections above, it all fits together. Jealousy, revenge and making bold black and white decisions are all part of Mars in Scorpio.In a way, I am not surprised. Some will have to be prepared for a rough month as Mars releases all that pent up tension after being in indecisive Libra.
New York will get over it as it is a tough determined city, but all the same it is a sad day for the people of the Big Apple…