Arts & Crafts Magazine

Easter Sicker Fun

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
Easter Sicker FunIt's no secret that there's a lot of fun to be had crafting with stickers.  Little children can't get up to too much mischief, and it's pretty easy to clean up after craft-time... much easier than playdoh... but don't get me started on that horror of horrors!
I made a template Easter egg printout (you can get your copy with the April newsletter which goes out tomorrow - simply subscribe for your copy.)  The girls and I cut the 2 eggs out, and then made Easter cards for family.
Here's how (and as always, you can click on the image to make it larger);
  • Use the free template (or cut an oval out of chocolate-brown paper).
  • Fold an A4 sheet of green card in half to make a card shape.
  • Fold a piece of green A4 in half and half again, then rip or cut the corner quarter out.
  • Rip or cut that piece in half to make two long strips.
  • Roughly snip along the full length of the strip, being careful not to cut the strip in half.
  • Use a pen to curl the thin strips to make 'grass'.
  • Stick the egg on the cover of the card, and then the grass on top.
  • Use stickers to decorate the cards.

We used a few of the leftover stickers to decorate balloons (chocolate brown ones would have been great - but do they exist???) for a Giant Easter Egg Game we played in the lounge room (the game involved broody chickens and an angry-rabbit... I'll leave the rest to your imagination.)
So go on - pop out to your local discount store, pick up a bunch of happy stickers, and start decorating your way through the Easter break!

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