Earth First! Newsletter #14: Eostar 2014. Click image to read online. Save some trees; print this newsletter!
We present to you another edition of Earth First! News, our quarterly update from the front lines of the eco-wars. Our latest issue, Earth First! News #14: Eostar 2014, compiles three months of news in defense of the Earth, political prisoner updates, tools for covering your tracks during clandestine actions, directory of eco-action groups, upcoming radical events, and updates from the West Virginia water crisis and relief efforts.
Remember, not everyone has the time to read the EF! Newswire on the daily. Now’s your chance to update yourself, and to update your friends and enemies. Download the newsletter, print a few stacks, and take them to infoshops, newsstands, tabling events, action camps, random mailboxes, prisoner writing parties, college campuses, city council meetings, tea party benefits—and don’t forget to send some to prisoners and your buddies in the woods.
By printing and distributing Earth First! News, we’re able to get news and resources into the hands of those who don’t have the privilege of internet access. This is a free project of the Earth First! Journal Collective, and we can’t do it without your support. If you appreciate this project, please consider donating today, or subscribing to our quarterly magazine.
For the Wild,
- The EF!J Collective