Earth First! Newsletter: Litha 2014. Click here to read.
Four times per year–on the solstices and equinoxes–the Earth First! Journal releases our newsletter. It’s that time again, and we’re proud to present the Litha 2014 edition, straight from the front lines of the eco-wars to your computer.
The EF!J Newswire is a great tool for those who want to stay in the know, but some folks don’t have the time or the internet capabilities to stay up-to-date. That’s why the newsletter is so great—it takes the most inspiring stories from the past three months and summarizes them for your reading pleasure.
A sad reality of our fight is that many of us have been or will be in jail or prison at some point. The newsletter is a great way for these martyrs to stay connected with the fight being carried on because of their sacrifices.
Perhaps the greatest part of the EF!J Newsletter is the price—absolutely, 100% free! So, click on the link, print out a copy to read during your commute, or print a few dozen copies and hand them out indiscriminately to your friends, bus drivers, and anyone else who might like to know how much is being done every day in defense of mother earth.
For the Wild!