I heard stories about Dubai "The life Changer" from years but I flew here to other parts of the world and it reflected with worse omens. I did unleash my skills with honestly with many business entities, but it only resulted in their own benefits and stepped over my future.
The organization & Businessmen politics vanished my dreams to the extents where I lost the Relatives & love ones. We are in the ERA where love and relation have become materialistic and only a few exist who can trust in your potential and aims of life.
Elder brother always figures like a father and burden of responsibilities turning me like a rolling stone and all my life I was waiting for something to hit with a get into a stable position.
One day when I was picked by one of a construction company in Dubai and I stepped in the land of opportunities. The day I walked out the airport and I witnessed the services at the airport, technology, well-organized communication system and I realized exactly at the same moments that this the land what I was waiting for all my life.
Dubai is a state where Blue-collar workers are treated as a human and have given full rights of justice and are treated equally irrespective of nationalities. The Dubai Government has assigned official decampments to keep regular checks on their accommodation, food, transportation, medical treatment and all other facilities where a blue-collar worker cannot even think of. I believe blue collar workers of Dubai are king of the rest of Asian labours.

Dubai is the place on this God's earth where I felt I teenager is much secure even if she walks alone in a street 2 am at the night.
Think of anything and find it in Dubai, Ranges from 1 Dhm to millions. The easily accessible best verities I have ever seen so far in my life.I can recommend Dubai is an icon of shopping.
Dubai is the only state where a common man can travel by paying 10 Dhms only to visit World tallest iconic tower and world biggest shopping mall (Mall of Dubai), which clearly indicates that this country has no racism. The only cosmopolitan state on earth where people from all cultures and nationalities can be in your nearest neighbours.
I have observed and witnessed the businesses are much secure and have bright futures, but success can only be achieved upon bringing innovative ideas and follow the standards led by the Govt. of Dubai.
A wise man from remote countries can get hundreds of business ideas by each step, Dubai is the best learning hub by all aspects of all generations.
As far as travel and tourism is a concern, so in my opinion two months a never enough to explore the real beauty of Dubai.
I have stepped into the world best & dreamt destination to serve Dubai and make my dreams come true.
Long Live Dubai.
Syed Sheraz