Career Magazine

Dubai for Kids – Living Working and Parenting in Dubai

Posted on the 01 July 2018 by Dubai City Company @iqdubaicity

Dubai for kids no only for expats kids. They are having a good place to play. Especially when bringing up children to the playground. We all know that UAE is the best place for our children. One of the examples is the million-dollar lifestyle. Definitely, our children looking start in life in Dubai. For sure to have a nice life in Dubai. We are sure that every Dubai woman. No matter if they are expat or not. Always has been asked. The same question all over. Generally, how is it living and working? Moreover, parenting in Dubai?. How often do you move to your own country? And what do do with kids?. How to play with them?. In the Dubai, there are some many places for kids. Moreover, new play space is still opening every day. Every day new kids having nice times.

One of the examples are the little ones in Dubai City. Who mums can come and play with kids. One of the examples is an indoor playground. Where new kids taking a class. Learning new things. On the other hand, you can manage a host or a birthday party. And even get a coffee or just hang out with others. From the day they enter primary school, children start learning Arabic and, with 200 nationalities living here, they play with friends from all over the world.

Dubai as an expat with kids?

As a Dubai expat. You can have a nice time with kids. Your child for sure will be defined as a foreign. On the other hand, you can have a good time with them. After several years of living in Dubai. Others who will call them foreigners. And treat them this way. They'll have no idea what they're talking about. Because if you take your kids to the city center. Definitely, it will help them. Don't try to be an alien foreigner. As long as you are working in Dubai. You will have funds to spend. Your own kids will start speaking Arabic. And many versions of English.

For example the five-year-olds kiddo. Already can speak 2-3 languages. And they are peppered with thousands of words. On the positive side, therefore Hindi and Arabic. Moreover and sometimes can learn other languages too. There is a population of South Africans. Irish and European kids. And they all will be learning from each other. On the negative side, you need to focus much more on the family. Because of kids around 3-5 yrs old. May need much more attention. The only negative side, is kids are away from family. The downsides at this stage for them are huge.

What Schools for Kids in Dubai?

Sooner or later, kids will get the fact. That they're living away from grandparents. Their closest family members. For example aunts and uncles. And the closest family are way off the home. And no matter how good school become. Kids in Dubai still will fill this way. No to mention a private primary school. For example, the Dubai Best Schools ratings. Maybe a smart idea to look in the long term. Because sending your child can cost up to AED 89,000 per year. ANd for sure it is expensive to deal with. On the positive side, the handful of well-established good private schools. Can be found quite easily in the Dubai. On the negative side, not-for-profit schools in Dubai. Are also very good. And definitely give amazing skills. And of course, do charge a little less. Still, they are, over-subscribed. And even hard to find.

Things to do with kids in Dubai

What can exactly expat do with kids in Dubai?

Well capital of the UAE is a city of dreams!. The amazing United Arab Emirates. Offering the best deals with top entertainment for Kids. And it's a big adventure for them. With this in mind, you need to make them busy. And then just wait for magic happened. And up to the present time, kids still saying wow to Dubai!. There is so much thing to do in UAE. One of the examples is to travel. On another hand, this relatively new hotspot coming to Dubai City. So, our team gives you a good guide. How to manage a time with kids in Dubai.

Of course, if you have enough time. Don't just pass our guide try to read it. Because you can spend time in the shopping mall or in a playground. What can exactly expat do with kids in Dubai?. Well, the list below is huge. If you have enough time. Please read it here, our guide is the best to start with. The things to do in Dubai. Especially with kids are in no particular order. Simply because we loved them all. And looking forward to providing Dubai for Kids.

Playtown Dubai

Ok, Let's start from Play town in Dubai. You can book that Online, and cost of it is ok. On the positive side, a Play Town. It is for good kids. Having an indoor educational play area. And easily accessible place located in city walk. Moreover having, more than five designed zones especially for local kids. And in the center of focus for different social skills. Your time may be very educational and much as fun elements. Generally speaking, you can go through so so much fun. As well as imaginative play with bob builder. Because the Play Town is the ultimate children's playground for 2-10-year-old. So, have a look below at their website. And book online Dubai for kids adventure.

  • 1 Hour pass Child 2-16yrs: AED 59
  • 2 Hour pass Child 2-16yrs: AED 89
  • Full day pass Child 2-16yrs: AED 99
Dubai Kids Living Working Parenting
Dubai for kids – Living working and parenting in Dubai
Dubai Kids Living Working Parenting
Dubai for kids – Living working and parenting in Dubai

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