Drink Magazine

Driving in Australia

By Coffee Kaki @askcoffeekaki
Good news to those who have Singapore driving license. You don't need to sit for any practical, theory of hazard perception test! Your existing license can be transferred to a full SA driver's licence!! (must do it within 90 days)
That saves you a lot of Aussie dollars!

Oh well, I guess Malaysians are some bad ass drivers; I am a demon driver ← got it from Vietnam. Rules? What rules? I love speeding, like there is no tomorrow, tailgating, being tailgated! (mat rempits), beat the yellow light all the time, me-first mentality - KL traffic ma..It is like a rehab for me driving in SA, diligently and obediently following all the road signs. For if not, I will be given a hefty saman (duit kopi is absolutely a NO-NO here) or penalties that range from incurring demerit points, a probation order or even going to jail.

So, how to get a license in South Australia.
Study on your own from YouTube, mlicense.sa.gov.au and Google up some mock test on theory and HPT. I would suggest going through the Driver's Handbook, word by word! When you are confident with the knowledge, head to the nearest Service SA customer service center and book yourself a slot for tests below via Cash, Credit or Debit card.
1. Theory test (Computerized - 30 minutes) $34 2. Hazard Perception Test (Computerized - 15 minutes) $303. Practical Test (On the road - 45 minutes) $250 
Once you have passed all three, you will receive the certificate of competency, take it to a Service SA customer service center and apply for a SA driver's license. You'll receive a temporary driver's license and your photo license will be mailed to your address.
Preparing for the theory test is pain in the ass. However! If all rules are obeyed by every driver on the road, car accident can be lessen significantly! In Malaysia, nobody looks at the road sign, we just tembak. It is not easy, but with repetition it will soon become my second nature to drive slow and safe. 
Getting a driving license immediately when you are a Permanent Resident here, is the priority. Driving license acts as Identification Card. With it, you can buy car and house. So go get it done asap. 
Driving in Australia

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