I have been really craving the fall weather & the fashion. I know everyone must think I am crazy… but summer is getting a bit old. I miss my layers. A few days ago I looked out side and saw the sky was pretty grey, so I thought I’d finally have a chance to wear my latest purchase- this fabulous oversized neon/grey knit. I decided to give it a try… and after about an hour of errands- I was overheating. San Diego, even when it is grey, is a bit on the warm side & I can hardly wait for rainy days & a lit fireplace.
+ Lulu*s pink/grey sweater- similar style here.
+ Shredded denim shorts- similar style here.
+ Spiked headband found here.
+ Michael Kors watch found here.
+ Turquoise stretch skull bracelet found here.
+ Classic high top Converse found here.