Dubai, Land of Opportunity, Land of Great Leaders, Land of Diversity, Land of discipline, Land of Innovation, Land of constant change, Land of fun and happiness, Land of peace, Land of love and care, Land of Equality, I can go on......
They say "my heart lies there", but for me "my Soul lies there". My journey to Dubai was unexpected and not dreamt of. It happened like a magic at the time I was badly in need to a job and income, and I was the most fortunate to work with great Organizations like Jumeirah International and Al Ghurair Investment, the landmark and hallmarks of Dubai. I couldn't be more blessed.
The land showed me what is happiness, after leaving a life of stress all through my life till I started living in Dubai. The land helped me come out of my phobia of driving, I can't believe I owned and drove 3 cars and enjoyed it the most. I made best friends for life in Dubai! One of the greatest gift in life is having wonderful friends for lifetime.
When I Landed there for a 6 weeks assignment, who knew it will become a seven-year stay. My life changed from good to great! Best to Excellent! Dubai helped me to overcome all my financial commitments and still leave life to the fullest and save for my future. I can't be more thankful.
Dream Big! Dream Dubai!!
Sometimes, life pushes you to take hard and difficult decisions, with no exceptions, I had to leave Dubai after 7 years of stint back to India 3 years back, with a heavy and sad heart, due to personal reasons. There is not a single day I have not missed Dubai. In fact, relocated with the entire household to still feel the belongings of Dubai with me. Even my mobile handsets are from Dubai.
I am forever grateful to Dubai for what I am today. Dubai has helped me to achieve my dreams and vision of becoming a Trainer, Mentor and Coach and do the dream job which makes me happy. After 20 plus years of Corporate experience and start afresh in a new industry, Training and Development was not an easy journey. The savings made in Dubai has helped to fulfil my wish by completely focusing on it even though there is no regular income. Feeling a great sense of gratitude. I am so happy to say I was part of Dubai!
I am blessed to have so many great things in my life!
Today I am very proud, that I am creating a niche for myself in the field of Training and Development, from crawling to baby walk in this new chosen field. Now I am all set to soar again like the beautiful and powerful Falcon of Dubai. I am currently the founder of a Venture called Genius 21, a skills Training and Transformation venture, focusing on providing skills and transformation to the lives I am coming across. I have conducted nearly 100 workshops in 3 years touching and inspiring more than 1000 lives... There is no more satisfying job than this. My focus in on Education Industry as that is the only industry which can create wonderful human beings and the current generation needs it most. I conduct programs for Teaching fraternity, non-teaching staff and students on various skills from personality development, Self-Leadership, Teaching skills, Teachers as a Role Model, Mindpower for children to 21 st Century skills for Students ready from Campus to Corporate and much more.
Now it is time for me to give back to Dubai and It is my dream now that I wish to continue to be associated with Dubai and conduct workshops in the field of Education for Teachers and Students. I believe every person is a born Genius capable of achieving anything they want in life and dream big. Because dreams do come true, as mine is going to come true to be back with Dubai!
I love you Dubai! My heartfelt gratitude!!
This article was written by a follower of Dubai City Company from Linkedin. Our team is thankful that our followers are helping us promote Dubai worldwide. Please follow our company on Linkedin.