( sleeveless victorian collared shirt: Urban Republic, gifted black trousers, The One Oxford shoes, belt: thrift store, Miss Selfridge blazer & bag,
vintage white collar)
It might be stupid to say about something that inspired me for this outfit and some items in posts, but I'll say it anyway! Some (too religious) members of my family think that
Now, the other side of the coin - as you can see, I was also, actually in 1st place inspired by Victorian era. I'm actualy huge fan of gothic lolitas, but as a style - that's just not my cup of tea. Nevertheless, I can always wear things that have some connections with this era. I can't describe to you how happy I was when I finally found and bought this shirt with high collar, and also when I found at sales at Miss Selfridge this blazer that enhance the waist and is puff - sleeved, just pin perfectly Victorian - esque way. And just couldn't resist to put a little dose of white in it - a collar that I wore as a 2 years old that I have inharrited. My Darling was such a sweetheart when he gave me Emanuel Ungaro's perfume Desnuda. Well, this is just a tester, but he promised to me that he'll buy me whole bottle one day!!! Whoopee!!! And big TNX to BigB. for photos!!!
And just to boast a little - on 10th October, I was featured on the bloggers.com as editor's pick of the day, but had no idea about it!!! And am on 14th place as a best fashion blogger there!!! It totally left me speechless!! A little step for blogosphere, big step for me.....as a begineer, I mean! But it won't and can't make me pretentious - it was just a little bit more traffic on my blog, nothing much more...But big Thanks to everyone who voted 4 me!!! <3 U!!!
"I can never read all the books I want;I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want.I can never train myself in all the skills I want.And why do I want?I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations ofmental and physical experience possible in life.And I am horribly limited"Sylvia Plath