Culture Magazine

Dr. Who-La Party

By Forevermelody
So I love parties. I love my birthday. I love hosting and celebrating life and the passage of time.
That being said my loved ones have different things they love. For instance, my sister-in-law loves baking amazing, decadent, innovative cakes and my husband loves digging holes.
As my birthday approached my loved ones began brainstorming ways to combine the things they love with the things I love.
Ashley came to me wanting to bake a TARDIS cake and I whole-heartedly agreed. Luke came to me looking for an excuse to dig a hole - his solution... a pig roast. So the planning begins. For my 28th birthday we will be hosting a Dr. Who themed mid-century style Hawaiian pig roast.
Dr. Who-La Party
Dr. Who-La Party
I whipped up these designs for the invitations. They were so fun I had to share them with the world. Now keep in mind we can't invite the whole world to our party. So if you didn't get a personal invitation, don't come - unless you're one of my best friends and I forgot to invite you - then I deserve an angry text message. 

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