Hair & Beauty Magazine
I'm new to this Estonian brand but it seems to be a perfect fit or love from the first sight, whatever you prefer. Dr. Konopka's shampoo is 98% natural and soft, gives my hair wonderful volume and shine. It contains Dr. Konopka's organic herbal oil and organic sage extract. The shower gel is a real dream one. It's chamomile extract-based but smells very chocolaty.
They don't seem to be drying at all and in general just look lovely. I love the apothecary feel of them and they took their rightful place on the shelves in my bathroom. I think I'm going to try more from this wonderful range.
Всем любителям натуральной косметики советую присмотреться к бренду Dr. Konopka's. Для себя я выбрала шампунь и гель для душа. Оба довольно таки неплохие! Мягкие, приятные, без красителей и отдушек. Работают отлично. Пенятся, очищают, не сушат. Можно смело рекомендовать.