Donald Trump is now going back on his promises to save US jobs. He just exported the jobs from the latest US arms deal to Saudi Arabia. Previously the weapons were to be made in the US, but Trump sold out US workers for a buck. The man cannot even be trusted on his major issues of keeping jobs in the country. Yes, Trump is renegotiating NAFTA, to make it worse! Worse for US workers, worse for the environment, worse for governments all across the US, worse for consumers, worse for everyone but corporations who stand to line their pockets while the rest of us get fleeced.
This man cannot be trusted to keep any of his promises. As a malignant narcissist, he is by definition a psychopath and experience with this man has shown that he is a grifter, a con man, a crook and basically nothing more than a white collar criminal. He has been lying, cheating, backstabbing, double-dealing and especially stealing his whole life. Most of the Trump real estate empire was built on nothing more than theft.
In fact, the real estate boom of the 1980’s and 1990’s was largely driven by what boils down to Organized Crime of the Donald Trump variety.
Donald Trump, Grifter in Chief.