Nice to see someone calling out politicians lack of answering questions directly. Don Lemon pulls no punches when it comes to interviewing Kentucky representative Rand Paul. Apparently, Paul is not used to it as he becomes increasingly flustered during the evening debate.
Even though Paul tried his best to explain the Tea Party’s stance on the debt ceiling, it appeared that Lemon was playing hardball.
Via The Huffington Post:
“The Democrats have made many concessions when it comes to what’s going on here, and even the Tea Party position it appears to most people remains rigid,” Lemon said. “The question is, have you made your point? And by continuing to go on with this, do you feel like you’re overreaching and that you’re going to lose the clout?”
Paul started talking about how he didn’t want to add any more debt to the country’s finances. Lemon cut him off. “Hang on, hang on,” he said. “Can we just stick to that–we’re going to get to that–”
“Let me finish my thought,” Paul said.
“Hold on, please, be respectful here,” Lemon responded. “I’m trying to answer your question, you’ve interrupted my answer,” Paul said.
“If you answer the question, I’ll give you plenty of time,” Lemon said.
While some are heralding Lemon for his tenacity, others cite that his actions were very “queen” like in execution.