Life Coach Magazine

Dollar Store Hacks-2

By Sahi
Dollar store has become one of my favorite places to shop form my DIY items. With a bit of creative imagination and a nearby dollar store you would be amazed with what can be done with basic items.Add a bit of style to you home with just a dollar.
Boho wall hanging:
Things needed:
1.Popsicle sticks2.glue. 
Cost of making: 1$
All you have to do is arrange the sticks in the pattern that one wants and stick them together. Your boho wall hanging is ready!
Dollar Store Hacks-2
Art from waste
Things needed:
1. can lids.2.glue
Cost of making: 0$

Just stick the lids together and color them to pop them out. They form beautiful wall hanging!
Dollar Store Hacks-2
All the DIY works go on the wall!
Dollar Store Hacks-2
A different view!
Dollar Store Hacks-2

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