Politics Magazine

Does LE Have Any Good Suspects in Mind for the Delphi Killings?

Posted on the 07 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Kathy: Robert,

Do your sources know if LE knows or suspects who is responsible for this horrible crime? Do they believe it is someone local?

No. I do not know. From my own sources, I am hearing that their perception is that LE is baffled and has no clue who did this crime.

I had another source a while back, a Secret Service agent, who said that they know who did it, but they are just building a case against him. Who this suspect was, I have no idea. Also I was told this maybe one month ago.

I am hearing so many contradictory things about this that I do not know what to think.

From people who are not my sources, I am hearing two people saying that LE has their guy. Both rumors have merely one proponent and as such are weak rumors.

1. Ivan Brumbaugh

Obviously one is this Eric Alter who is fingering Ivan Brumbaugh, who he insists is the suspect and who he claims that LE are just wrapping up their case against. However, reading between the lines, what I got was that Eric Alter knows for certain that Brumbaugh did this crime, but possibly LE does not share his views and is not taking Brumbaugh seriously.

I have several other people who also like Brumbaugh as a suspect, but they have no good sources for that information. Personally, I am very dubious that Brumbaugh is the man who killed these girls especially now that we have two separate DNA sets back representing apparently two killers, neither of which is Brumbaugh. Mr. Brumbaugh, in my opinion, seems to be guilty of contaminating a crime scene, but that’s not a crime last time I checked. Incidentally, Brumbaugh has completely lawyered up and seems to be holding out in his home.

Certainly Brumbaugh has some dubious events in his past. He has an old child molestation conviction from the late 1970’s, but we know nothing about this charge and he does not have to register on the RSO list because it happened too long ago. I am quite certain that Brumbaugh is neither a pedophile nor a hebephile. If anything, he seems to be a womanizer and a playboy who continued to date attractive young women far into middle age. There are suggestions of strong bisexual tendencies, but there is no good evidence for this either. Brumbaugh is certainly not pedohebephilic, nor is he a homosexual. He seems to be mostly attracted to mature females, emphasis on the plural.

Several years back, Brumbaugh’s ex-wife’s house burned down, and the woman barely escaped with her life. The fire was mysterious and apparently arson, but no one was ever charged in the crime.

Brumbaugh is a Shunned Amish, yes, but this means nothing. Apparently half of the Amish community are these Shunned Amish and the Shunned Amish and the regular Amish continue to associate with each other, with the exception that the Shunned tend to be a little wilder.

There are allegations of problems with women, anger towards teenage girls who do not engage in proper behavior and an angry man subject to explosive rages.

I would add that Brumbaugh is very familiar with the Mears property on which they girls were raped and killed and almost certainly is familiar with the barn that was used.

The source for all of this behavior is Mr. Alter. Not one person has corroborated Alter’s charges.

Brumbaugh is said to have a rock solid alibi for the time of the girls’ abduction. Alter says that it is only Brumbaugh’s girlfriend who is  providing the alibi, and she would lie for him.

Personally I regard this man as a most unlikely suspect to commit such a horrific crime at age 63, the first such crime of his life. One simply doesn’t wake up one day at age 60 and decide to be a serial killer. It just doesn’t work that way. From what I know about this man, I simply do not feel that he has it in him to commit a crime like this and further he seems quite an unlikely suspect to have done such a crime. He just doesn’t seem like the type.

What I am getting is that LE is not taking the Brumbaugh matter seriously and does not seem to regard him as a serious suspect.

2. Unknown RSO from the Surrounding Area

A woman met with LE the other day and showed them photos of an RSO living within 50-100 miles of Delphi. Photos included him lifting weights. Her vibe was that LE felt that this was their man. I have no idea who this man is. There was said to be a Youtube video accusing him of this crime but it has been taken down.

3. Cleared Suspects

Ron Logan’s Son

Logan’s son is said to have disappeared since the killings. This is not so. Instead he is simply  laying low due to the media circus. I am told that he has been cleared by LE.

David James Lucas

Another man is a David James Lucas, fat good old hillbilly guy who likes to drink beer and has a huge belly. A video was made accusing Lucas  of being the Bridge Guy. However, my information is that Lucas is innocent and has been cleared by LE. Sadly the people of Delphi were being so accusative and threatening towards Lucas that he has since left town for his own safety.

Cemetery Groundskeeper

The cemetery groundskeeper has been mentioned as a possible suspect. We sleuthed him out and found a thin older man with a kindly face. Not Bridge Guy at all.

Conclusion: LE Clueless

Some of my investigators have been conducting interviews with LE in the area. These usually go 45 minutes or so. They come away from these interviews saying that LE has its hands up in the air, and they do not have a clue who did this. I am also hearing this from a number of other people just based on a general vibe. Also there have been a number of news stories lately that seem to be giving off the vibe that LE is utterly clueless about who did this.

At the moment, there is no good, hard evidence that LE has any known suspect in mind who are they are building a case against. Perhaps they do, but we do not have sufficient evidence to suggest that.

My general feeling is that LE is baffled and has its hands in the air with the palms up, without any idea of who the killer or killers might be.

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