Life Coach Magazine

Do You Worry About Side Effects of Prescription Drugs?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

As with any prescription drug or over-the-counter (OTC) drug, there can be side effects. The majority of the time, they are pretty standard: dizziness, nausea and vomiting. We all know this, right? But we continue to take the drug because we hope that it will make us feel better. Hell! If we are feeling bad enough to take drugs, feeling a little dizzy or vomiting is just a walk in the park, right?

As with any prescription drug or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, there can be side effects

But Then This Happens

For the past couple years, I’ve been taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo to help reduce the flow of my menstrual cycle, period, Aunt Flow, SHARK! It was so bad prior to the bcp’s that I couldn’t even leave the bathroom! I remember sitting on the jon and texting my hubs to ask him to bring me a glass of water because I was bleeding like a stuck pig and could get off the pot! HORRIBLE!

Since being on the bcp’s, my flow is light; Shark Week doesn’t last as long; no cramps; and no aches or pains. However, I didn’t realize it until I spoke with my doctor about the frequency of my headaches, that it could potentially be because of the bcp’s! CRAP! 

Do You Worry About the Side Effects of Prescription Drugs?

Side Effects

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting. If bleeding occurs in more than one cycle or lasts for more than a few days call your healthcare professional
  • Problems wearing contact lenses such as change in vision or inability to wear your lenses. If these occur, contact your healthcare professional
  • Fluid retention with swelling of the fingers or ankles and may raise your blood pressure. Contact your healthcare professional if you experience fluid retention
  • Spotty darkening of the skin (particularly the face). This may persist after you stop using ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN® LO
  • Other side effects include nausea and vomiting, change in appetite, headache, nervousness, depression, dizziness, loss of scalp hair, vaginal infections and allergic reactions(1)

Just stinking great!

What To Do Now?

As my doctor advised, I came off my bcp’s about three (3) weeks ago. What have I noticed since then:

  • Less bloated
  • Achy muscles and joints
  • No headaches
  • Still as tired as usual
  • Sex drive is heightened (sorry for my hubs)
  • Mood swings are back in full swing
  • Irritability
  • Mild stomach discomfort as in a very mild cramps
  • Sore boobs

I’m damned if I do and Damned if I don’t!

The headaches I was getting frequently, were actually keeping me from work. They lasted the majority of the day; I couldn’t wear my contacts; and 50% of the time they ended up as a migraine so bed rest was essential. But now I’m dealing with aches and pains of my muscles and joints! Why? I am still taking all my vitamins so I don’t get what the estrogen had to do with that. The mood swings and irritability are partially from my peri-menopause but did the estrogen help with that as well?

Shark Week is Coming!

Shark Week is Coming! #girltalk

Now I don’t know when my next SHARK Week will be here but I’m assuming next week sometimes. I’m sure I won’t jump right back to the old ways right away but I’m seriously dreaded the prolonged visits sitting on the pot and wearing extra thick and long maxi pads! Ugh!!

What kind of side effects have you experienced from using birth control pills (oral contraceptives)? What symptoms have you experienced without? For those who are not on bcp’s and have horrible cycles, how do you deal?

Let’s dish ladies!
(1) Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo

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