Creativity Magazine

Do These Elastic Waisted Pants Make Me Look Older?

By Vickilane
Do These Elastic Waisted Pants Make Me Look Older?
There's a fun little quiz over HERE -- 10 Things You Do That Make You Look 10 Years Older.  Of course I took it . . . Do These Elastic Waisted Pants Make Me Look Older? I plead guilty to the elastic waist pants (trousers to you Brits) . . . but does it count if no one sees the elastic waist due to the big shirts I always wear?  (Yes, I know, it's really about being overweight and I plead guilty to that as well.)Comfortable, non-stylish shoes (clogs) -- yep, that's me too. Non- negotiable. Travel clothes (Things that don't wrinkle) -- heck, that's pretty much my standard garb. I'm also a wearer of drugstore glasses. I'm hard on my reading glasses -- scratch them, lose them, break them. . . When the cheap glasses no longer allow me to read, I'll consider the pricey stylish frames at the opticians.Do These Elastic Waisted Pants Make Me Look Older?
On the positive side, I don't wear my glasses on a chain around my neck; I don't wear wire-rimmed sunglasses; I don't wear animal prints (or any prints at all, come to think of it.) Nor do I wear a Speedo (as if!)I don't travel with hard cover books, as a general rule. I love the way the Kindle lets me carry around a virtual library.  And I don't consider myself a Luddite -- Luddites don't blog or do Facebook. (I admit I don't have a smart phone or an I-Pad -- that's a matter of economics rather than fear of technology.)So, if those ten things make me look ten years older, and I only do four of them, does that just age me four years, making me look a spry 74?Do These Elastic Waisted Pants Make Me Look Older?

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