Politics Magazine

Do Jews Run The Internet?

Posted on the 29 July 2016 by Calvinthedog


Gay State Girl: Susan Wojicicki has a Polish Catholic father and a Jewish mother. Her sister Ann Wojicicki (Mrs Google) is married to Sergei Brin and runs the Biotech firm 23andme, promising to analyze people’s genetic profile for a low cost but does not say how she intends to use their profiles in the future.

William: A European half-Jew marrying a gentile (Italian?) is not exactly quintessentially Jewish…at least in the sense of someone like Ben Shapiro (the gold standard)

First of all, it’s the Goldberg Standard, dammit, not the Gold Standard. Jews 101.

Both Susan Wojicicki and Ann Wojicicki (Mrs Google) are Jews.

If your mother is a Jew, you are a Jew. I mean come on, that’s Jews 101 again. Did the commenter flunk?

Gay State Girl: is married to Sergei Brin

Mr. Brin is a member of the Russian Mafia, I mean he is a Russian Jew, excuse me.

Let’s look at the evidence:

  • Susan Wojicicki, founder of Jewtube. JEW!
  • Ann Wojicicki, married to Sergey Brin, founder of Jewgle. JEW!
  • Ann Wojicicki, vampiress runs 23andme, steals your blood and collects your genetic data for nefarious purposes. JEW!
  • Sergey Brin, founder of Jewgle. JEW!


*This post is not really serious. Joke post.

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