Terrariums are easy to plant and they dont need any special skills to look after as well. The plants in the terrariums do not need a lot of water, so they are super easy to care for.
What is a terrarium?
it is just like an aquarium. Replace the fish with plans such a succulents and water with the soil. Isn't it cool?

I have always wanted to own a terrarium. But when ever i checked it out online or searched them in stores, they where a little costly. So i decided to try my hands making one of them.
So i collected the the things needed as mentioned above. Here is a step by step instruction of how to put them together.
Clear the glass jar/bowl of your choice and add the materials one by one in the following.
Terrarium: Sahithya sridhar

credit: sahithya sridhar

credit: sahithya sridhar