Arts & Crafts Magazine

DIY "Vintage" Mirror

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt


It's no secret that vintage mirrors are very desirable .. and very expensive.  Real Baroque or Rococo ones are way beyond most people's price point, 'Venetian' mirrors are better, and reproduction-styled modern mirrors are even more affordable.  By far the most affordable, however, are the ones you make yourself!
Ok, so my mirror's not trying to convince anyone it's the real thing, but when it comes to little girls playing dress-up, I'm not sure you have to convince them of anything, other than the fact that they are, and will always be, gorgeous little ladies.
Here's what I used:

  • A dollar-store mirror with a black plastic frame - go for round or oval with a ribbed finish so that you can lay your beads in one of the low 'ruts.'
  • Left over house paint (I mixed my own using white gloss, and approximately a tablespoon of blue and a teaspoon of grey).
  • a silver dollar-store necklace.
  • a broken Christmas decoration, also in silver.

Here's what I did:
  • carefully paint the mirror frame.
  • cut the necklace so that it's now a long string.
  • test the necklace to see whether it goes all the way around the mirror - if it doesn't be sure to leave the opening either exactly at the center of the bottom/top of the mirror frame, or off to one side (which is a lot easier and more quirky).
  • run super-glue around the 'rut' where you are going to lay your necklace.
  • lay the necklace in the glue, remembering to leave the opening where you want it.
  • glue other embellishments on to finish.

Make your own chabby-chic mirror in less than 15-minutes (plus drying time) - it's super fast, fun, cheap, and the results are well worth it if the girls' feedback is anything to go by!

PS - Mother's Day is coming up in Australia... maybe make one for mum?  After all, a lady is never too old to admire herself in the mirror. x

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