Now - to glue. There are lots of options when it comes to adhesive glue:
- The hot glue gun - this is a grownup's tool and as I've always tried to advocate a 'keep it super simple' mantra with all that I do, I've never actually tried one! I hear you groan - ah well - that's me. I also hear they're pretty good; but again; not for children. SO moving on.
- The glue stick - dollar store ones are ok, but I find that the cheaper you go, the less tacky they are. If the children have to drag too hard with the stick they can rip their craft and then there's tears. The upside is you can buy several and everyone can have one so they're cheap and cheerful. Downside; never leave the lid off overnight, or the next day it is unuseable; it can literaly turn to a big blob of weird rubber.
- Clag glue paste - not sure what others call it, but this is glue in a pot, seen in preschools around the world. You can use the paddle or brush that it comes with or use popsicle sticks. I find it's a bit like crafting with porridge, and children almost always end up with enough glue to stick themselves to the page, as opposed to the feather they're actually trying to adhere. I don't love it, but if you do; go for it. Nuf said.
- PVA glue - also known as 'school glue' or 'elmers glue'. This runny white glue can also be found in your local dollar store. I find the best way to work with it is to pour it into a cup or a platter and add a little water to thin it slightly and give everyone a paint brush. I have seen craft teachers use popsicle sticks, but again, you end up with a messy application, and I like to teach children, even young children, to exercise a little control. This is the glue I tend to use myself, but again, you can go through a lot fast.
- Mod podge - if you surf the web this stuff is everywhere and seems to be able to do everything. Call me crazy, and don't sue me for saying so, but as far as I can tell you can actually make mod podge yourself; it's essentially 50% water and 50% PVA glue, all mixed up in a bottle, cup or jar. You can make it as you go, or pre-prepare it and save it in an airtight jar, simply shake to remix before you use. I've used this concoction plenty of times, and my only warning is this; it can turn slightly yellow as the years pass. But I'm talking about years. If the craft you're making is special in an heirloomy kind of way; probably don't risk it. If it's kids craft you're after; definitely keep your pennies in your pocket and try it out.
- Gloopy Glue (or Flour & Water) - yep, you read right. This is a little trick my mother taught me when I was a little girl. It's not the prettiest glue you've ever seen, and it may not hold up over the years to come, but it does work. In a cup or bowl, simply put a spoonful of flour (whatever type is on hand) and add a dribble of water. Mix it in well. When it looks like a not-too-runny but lump-free paste, start gluing. It can dry a little flaky and turn an oatmeal colour, but again; for kids craft that might add to the effect!
If you're wondering what Little Lotti is using for her glue in the picture, it's a mixture; in her little saki-cup (tucked under her arm with a green paintbrush) I put in PVA and water, then realised she was going to need more than, so I added a sprinkle of flour and an extra dribble of water... sounds odd no doubt, but her letters all stuck, and are sticking still!
Got any glue recipes of your own? Go to the comments section below and add a link to your own blog post, write the recipe down, or warn readers of your craft fails with home made glue - remember - sharing is caring! x