Hair & Beauty Magazine

DIY Lavender Bags

By Ribbonsandbowsox @rebecc4dennison
Hello!  I love lavender, it's basically my favorite smell ever. I got given lots of fabric from my nanna, and she also gave me a huge bag of lavender, so I thought I would go a bit mad and make a few (I made 8 ahah)
DIY Lavender Bags
You will need...
DIY Lavender Bags
- Fabric of your choice. It's better if it's two squares joined together by one edge, so it is a rough square shape when you sew it. You can often buy them already cut like this, or you can cut it yourself.
- Sewing Needle
- Berry pins
- Stuffing
- Dried lavender
- Ribbon or thin lace like I used
- Fabric scissors, or sharp regular scissors
The first thing you need to do is fold it in half, so it is inside out. This is because once you've sewn two of the edges, you can turn it inside out to make it look neat. If your fabric has a rough, frayed edge, unlike mine which came with a neat zig-zag edge, you will need to make a hem first. This can easily be done by folding the top edge over about half a centimetre, and you can do a simple running stitch along the top to make it neat.
DIY Lavender Bags
Take your needle and a thread that will be hardly noticeable against the fabric. I made these by hand, and I didn't use a sewing machine. I did one stitch, and went over the same stitch about four times to make sure the thread will stay in place. I then did a running stitch along one side where the berry pins are, and repeated the four stitches at the end to keep it together. I then repeated this on the side opposite, where the other berry pins are.
DIY Lavender Bags
Turn the bag the right way round, so you can't see the stitches and so there are neat edges, almost like a mini handbag.
DIY Lavender Bags
Take your stuffing and place a small bit into the bag, add a bit of lavender, then a bit more stuffing. Repeat this until your bag is full to about an inch from the top, and so you have enough lavender in so you can actually smell it.
DIY Lavender Bags
Fold the very top of the bag and fold it over to either side so the fold is about a centimeter thick. Secure it with a berry pin. Take your scissors and make half a centimeter cuts on the folded line. When you take the berry pins out and unfold the folded edge, you will see that it has cut through the fold to create identical cuts on each side. You want to have an even number of cuts on each side. I made 4 cuts a finger space apart. Take your ribbon or thin lace, and weave it in and out the cuts you made. Make sure you start at the middle so the bow at the end will be in the middle of the bag.
DIY Lavender Bags
Tie the bow to finish it, and to tighten the top of the bow to make sure nothing falls out. Then your done!
DIY Lavender Bags
DIY Lavender Bags
These would be great gifts for friends or family. I've given a number of lavender bags to friends and relatives and they always love them! These are pretty easy to do as well. They don't require too much sewing skill - even I can do it! The fabric and the lace were from my nanna. I know that the fabric is from an EBay seller, but I don't know who. The lace was from some haberdashery shop in Darlington in the 90's I think. My nanna never used it so she gave it to me! (Along with a load of dress patterns that she used to make me numerous dressed when I was little. Not quite at that stage yet!)
Be sure to tweet me a picture of your lavender bags if you make them
Twitter - ribbonandbowox
DIY Lavender Bags

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