Travel Magazine

Divine Ambience of Edappally St George Church

By Vishnudas
Divine Ambience of Edappally St George ChurchRenowned as Edappally St George church the devotional walls of it was established during the call of 594 AD which in turn has made the church one of the oldest churches within the tropical helms of Kerala.
The site of the church is amazingly located between Ernakulam and Aluva national highway 47 and the historical importance of it cannot be disregarded in any given time because it was structured after the persecution of St. Thomas.
The walls of the church are entirely dedicated to Virgin Mary and prior to its alteration in name the church were renowned as Edappalli Church. The church according to folklore was one of the oldest worshipping centres of Catholics and the floor of it is said to have some cosmic miracle which in turn leads to the healing of ailment.The nearby water source which is well located within the call of church is said to have opulent power. It has been seen during the call of prayers and after the visit devotees do walks here to fetch some amount of water and soil to cure their disease.Divine Ambience of Edappally St George Church
Mass Timings of ChurchMass performance is practiced everyday during 6 am, 7 am and 6 pm, during Friday the timings of mass is 6 am, 7 am, 12:30 pm and 6 pm and when it comes to Sunday than it is performed during the intervals of 5:45 am, 7 am, 8:45 am, 10:15 am, 4:15 pm and 5.30 pm.First Friday of every month is considered as auspicious because it is during that day solemn prayer and penance are observed.Interesting Fact about ChurchTraveler must understand that after the construction of the church it has gone through series of renovation and the picture of the Virgin Mary you will witness while making your way here is surrounded by series of sculptures and angels. All the sculptures and angles were incorporated with the altar during the call of overhaul and such renovation has led to the formation of beauty which is defined by the painting of heaven. Divine Ambience of Edappally St George ChurchFestivals of ChurchWhen it comes to its gathering and mass celebration than the feast of St. George speaks it all for you. The festival of St. George which is celebrated during the call of April and last till 15th of May entices traveler from all across the world to feel the purity in ambience. The festival is classified according to its date and it generally starts from 23rd of April.As mentioned above classification is done according to rituals and their customs. It is during 3rd and 4th of May octave of St. George comes into picture which is followed by another octave which is celebrated during the 10th and 11th May.Before the call of the feast 40 hours of admiration and 9 days of novena is practiced and during the same time devotees flocks in from every corner to make merry. How to Get ThereDivine Ambience of Edappally St George Church
By train- the nearest railway station to Edappally St George church is Ernakulum junction which is located at a distance of around 5 km from here.
By air- the nearest airport is Kochin International Airport which is located at a distance of approximately 15 km.

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