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Discover How to Easily Check Your Stimulus Check History and Status Online

By Johnabrams82
<img src="https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?q=How To Check Stimulus Check History" alt="How To Check Stimulus Check History" width="640" height="360" />How To Check Stimulus Check History

Want to know if you've received all of your stimulus payments? Learn how to check your stimulus check history with this helpful guide!

Are you one of the millions of Americans eagerly waiting for their stimulus checks to arrive? Well, the good news is that the government has already started distributing them. However, if you're still wondering when you'll receive your payment or want to check its history, don't worry; we've got you covered. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of checking your stimulus check history, step by step.

First and foremost, let's clarify what a stimulus check is. It's a payment from the federal government to help individuals and families cope with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, if you haven't received yours yet, you're probably feeling like a kid waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas eve. But instead of milk and cookies, you'll need your Social Security number, date of birth, and mailing address to check your stimulus check history.

The easiest way to check your stimulus check history is by using the IRS's Get My Payment tool. Don't let the name fool you; it's not a dating app. It's an online portal where you can track your payment status and learn more about your eligibility. However, before you rush to check your status, make sure you have a stable Internet connection, a cup of coffee, and your favorite snack.

Once you're ready, head over to the IRS's website and click on the 'Get My Payment' button. You'll be asked to enter your personal information, such as your Social Security number, date of birth, and mailing address. Don't worry; the IRS won't share this information with anyone else. They're not Facebook, after all.

After entering your information, you'll see a message that tells you whether your payment has been processed, scheduled, or unavailable. If your payment has already been processed, congratulations! You can start planning how to spend it wisely. If it's scheduled, you'll see the date when it will be sent to you. And if it's unavailable, don't panic; it could be due to various reasons, such as incomplete or incorrect information.

If you're still unsure about your payment status or have any other questions, you can always contact the IRS's customer service. However, be prepared to wait on hold for a while. They're probably receiving thousands of calls from people asking the same question as you. So, while you're waiting, why not practice your meditation skills and breathe in, breathe out?

Another thing to keep in mind is that the IRS is still processing and sending payments. So, even if your payment status says 'unavailable' now, it could change in the coming days or weeks. Be patient and trust the process. It's like waiting for a cake to bake; you can't rush it, or it won't turn out right.

In conclusion, checking your stimulus check history is easy and straightforward. All you need is a device with an Internet connection and your personal information. And while you're waiting for your payment, remember to stay positive, keep a sense of humor, and take care of yourself and your loved ones. After all, money can't buy happiness, but it can buy toilet paper, which is pretty close.


Well, hello there! Are you one of the lucky ones who have received their stimulus checks amid this pandemic? If yes, congratulations! Perhaps, you're wondering how to keep track of your stimulus check history. Worry not; we've got you covered. In this article, we'll show you how to check your stimulus check history effortlessly. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started.

The Stimulus Check Background

As we all know, the government initiated a stimulus check program in March 2020 to help individuals cope with the economic effect of the pandemic. The check varied from $1,200 to $600, depending on individuals' eligibility criteria. If you're eligible, you should have received your check by now. However, if you haven't, you can check your status on the IRS website.

Check Your Mailbox

Before delving into the online methods, it would be best to check your mailbox first. The IRS sent out the stimulus checks via mail; hence, it's essential to keep an eye on your mailbox. Additionally, ensure that your mailing address is correct.

Check the Get My Payment Tool

The IRS launched an online tool to help individuals track their stimulus check history. The Get My Payment tool is available on the IRS website. To access it, you'll need to input some personal information such as your Social Security number, date of birth, and mailing address. The tool will then display the status of your stimulus payment.

Create an IRS Account

If you don't already have an IRS account, it's advisable to create one. It allows you to check your stimulus check history, tax transcripts, and other essential details. To create an account, visit the IRS website, and follow the prompts.

Call the IRS

If the online methods don't work, you can always call the IRS. The customer care team is available to assist individuals with their stimulus check history. Ensure that you have all your personal information at hand before making the call.

Check Your Bank Account

If you provided your bank account details when filing your taxes, your stimulus check should have been deposited directly into your account. Check your bank account history to confirm whether the deposit was made.

Visit the Social Security Website

If you're a social security beneficiary and haven't received your stimulus check yet, visit the Social Security website. It provides all the necessary information regarding stimulus check payments.

Check Your Payment Status

On the Get My Payment tool, you can also check the status of your payment. If your payment was sent via mail, it will display the date it was sent and the expected delivery date. If the payment was sent via direct deposit, it will indicate the bank account number and the date the deposit was made.

Keep Your Information Updated

It's essential to keep your mailing and bank account information updated. The IRS uses the information on your most recent tax return to process your stimulus check. Hence, if there are any changes, ensure that you update them immediately.


In conclusion, checking your stimulus check history is easy and straightforward. Whether you prefer the online or offline methods, there's always a way to track your payment. Just ensure that you have all the necessary information at hand, and you'll be good to go. Stay safe, and enjoy your stimulus check!

How To Check Stimulus Check History: A Humorous Guide

First things first: don't panic if you haven't received your stimulus check yet. It's not like it's the last piece of toilet paper in the store. Take a deep breath, grab a glass of wine (or two), and let's figure out how to check your stimulus check history.

Step 1: Go to the IRS Website

Go to the IRS website and consider it your new virtual happy place. Don't worry, it won't give you any viruses (unless you drink too much wine while browsing). Click on the ‘Get My Payment’ tab. It sounds like a cheesy pick-up line, but it'll show you the history of your stimulus check instead. Even better, you don't have to swipe right to proceed.

Step 2: Fill Out Your Information

Enter your Social Security number, date of birth, and address. Pretend like you're making a profile for a dating app but for your tax returns. The website may ask for your bank details, but don't worry they're not trying to steal your money. Unless you accidentally put in your ex's account number, then that's on you.

Step 3: Get Your Status Update

Once you're finished filling out the necessary information, you'll get a status update on your payment. It's like tracking a package, but with less excitement. If the website tells you that your check has been mailed, resist the urge to run to your mailbox like a kid on Christmas morning. It's not going to magically arrive in two minutes.

Step 4: Celebrate Your Victory

Once you see that your payment has been processed, make sure to do your happy dance. It's important to celebrate the small wins in life, even if it's just getting a check from the government. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who already received your stimulus check, use your newfound wealth wisely. Maybe invest in stock for that toilet paper company that always has plenty of stock.


In conclusion, checking your stimulus check history may seem daunting, but it's easier than making sourdough bread. Plus, the website won't judge you for eating chips while you do it. So, take a deep breath, grab a glass of wine (or two), and get to checking. Who knows, maybe you'll finally have enough money to buy that bidet you've been eyeing.

Checking Stimulus Check History Made Easy

The Frustration of Not Knowing

It's the middle of the month and you're waiting for your stimulus check to arrive. You've heard that your friends and family have already received theirs, but you haven't seen anything in your bank account yet. You start to worry if something went wrong with the deposit.

You try to call the bank and the IRS, but the lines are always busy. You even tried asking your neighbor who works at the IRS, but they don't seem to know either. You're starting to get frustrated and anxious.

Relax and Breathe

Before you pull out your hair, take a deep breath and relax. There's an easy way to check your stimulus check history without having to wait on hold or bother your neighbor again. All you need is access to the internet and your personal information.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to the IRS website - www.irs.gov
  2. Click on Get My Payment
  3. Enter your Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, date of birth, street address, and zip code
  4. Click Continue
  5. If the information entered matches what the IRS has on file, it will show the status of your payment
  6. You can also see the payment date, method of payment, and amount
  7. If there's an issue with your payment, it will show what action needs to be taken
  8. Take a screenshot of the page or print it out for your records

See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now you can finally put your mind at ease and know when to expect your stimulus check. No more waiting on hold or bothering your neighbor. Just a few clicks away and you'll have all the information you need.


Checking your stimulus check history doesn't have to be a headache. With the IRS website, you can easily get all the information you need without leaving your house. So, sit back, relax, and wait for that direct deposit or check to arrive. Happy spending!

Keywords Definition

Stimulus Check A payment given by the government to stimulate the economy during times of financial crisis

IRS Internal Revenue Service, the United States government agency responsible for collecting taxes

Social Security Number A unique identification number assigned to individuals for tax purposes

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number A tax processing number issued by the IRS for individuals who are not eligible for a Social Security Number

Farewell, Fellow Stimulus Check Investigators!

Alas, it is time to bid adieu to all those who have embarked on the journey of tracking their stimulus checks with me. I hope you have found my guidance helpful and informative. As we part ways, let us take a moment to reflect on our experience and celebrate the victories we have achieved.

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all those who have received their stimulus checks already. I am sure the relief of having some financial support during these trying times is immeasurable. For those who are still waiting, do not lose hope! Your check will soon arrive in your mailbox or bank account.

Now, let us talk about the task at hand - checking your stimulus check history. As we have learned, there are various ways to do so, such as using the Get My Payment tool on the IRS website or creating an account on the IRS portal. Whichever method you choose, make sure to have all your information handy, including your social security number, date of birth, and mailing address.

It is essential to keep track of your stimulus check history, particularly if you have not received your payment yet. By checking your status regularly, you can ensure that everything is in order and that there are no issues delaying your payment. Plus, it adds a bit of excitement to your day when you see that your check is on its way!

While we are on the topic of excitement, let us acknowledge the thrill of finally receiving our stimulus checks. It is like winning the lottery, only instead of a million dollars, we get a few hundred or thousand. Nevertheless, it is a welcome relief, and we should celebrate accordingly. Treat yourself to something nice, whether it is a fancy meal or a new pair of shoes. You deserve it!

Of course, we cannot forget the lessons we have learned throughout this process. We have learned to be patient, persistent, and resourceful. We have also learned that the government's bureaucracy can be frustrating, but we should not give up on our pursuit of financial stability.

As we say goodbye, I want to remind you all that we are in this together. We may have different stories and experiences, but we share the same struggles and hopes. Let us continue to support each other and lift each other up during these challenging times.

In conclusion, I thank you for joining me on this adventure of checking our stimulus check history. May your checks arrive swiftly, your bank accounts be filled, and your hearts be content. Farewell, my fellow investigators, and good luck on your future endeavors!

People Also Ask: How To Check Stimulus Check History

How can I check the status of my stimulus check?

You can check the status of your stimulus check by using the IRS's online tool, Get My Payment. All you need to do is enter your Social Security number, date of birth, and mailing address. Just make sure you have a good internet connection and plenty of patience, because the site can be pretty slow.

Can I check my stimulus check history?

Yes, you can check your stimulus check history by using the same Get My Payment tool. It will show you the status of all the payments that have been sent to you, as well as any payments that are still pending. Just be prepared for some sticker shock if you've already spent all your stimulus money on avocado toast and designer face masks.

What if I didn't get my stimulus check?

If you didn't get your stimulus check, don't panic! There could be a number of reasons why it hasn't arrived yet. Maybe your payment was sent to the wrong address, or maybe you're not eligible for a stimulus check at all. The best thing you can do is use the Get My Payment tool to see if there's any information about your payment status. If that doesn't work, you can always try calling the IRS and waiting on hold for several hours. Or you could take a deep breath, meditate for a few minutes, and accept that sometimes life is just unpredictable and weird.

Can I track my stimulus check like a package?

Unfortunately, you can't track your stimulus check like a package. You'll just have to wait patiently and hope that it arrives in your mailbox soon. In the meantime, you can distract yourself by binge-watching your favorite TV show, learning how to bake sourdough bread, or practicing your interpretive dance moves in the living room. Hey, it's better than refreshing the Get My Payment tool every five minutes!

  • Use the IRS's online tool, Get My Payment, to check the status of your stimulus check.
  • You can also use the tool to check your stimulus check history.
  • If you didn't get your stimulus check, try using the tool to see if there's any information about your payment status.
  • Don't panic if your stimulus check hasn't arrived yet. Sometimes life is just unpredictable and weird.
  • Unfortunately, you can't track your stimulus check like a package. Sorry!

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