Probably, the saying that the way to man’s heart lies through his stomach is not absolutely true but it certainly contains a scintilla of truth. Home-made dinner may become excellent beginning for romantic evening. To surprise your man and make his mouth literally water you can use the set of the following recipes.
First dish in your menu is salad with duck breast. You will need 400 gr. of duck breast, 400 gr. of chicken broth, 50 gr. of peanuts, 450 gr. of salad, one peach, six spoons of oil, five spoons of orange juice, two spoons of vinegar, half a spoon of honey and salt with pepper, of course.
Wash and dry duck fillet, boil the broth and put fillet in it for 15 minutes. Fry peanuts, cool them afterwards and chop in blender. Wash and dry the leaves of salad. Wash a peach, cut it in four parts and remove the core with seeds. Mix oil with orange juice, vinegar and honey and stir it properly. Take the fillet out of broth, cut it in slices, salt and pepper it. Lay out the leaves of salad on a large dish, put slices of peach and duck fillet. Add sauce and chopped peanuts.
The main course should be the most effective one, and I recommend to surprise your man with salmon steak with mushroom sauce. You will need four salmon steaks, lemon juice, four spoons of olive oil. For the sauce you will need one onion, 200 gr. of champignons, one spoon of oil, one spoon of flour, 200 gr. of cream, some dill and salt with pepper.
Wash and dry salmon steaks and rub them with pepper and salt. Pour lemon juice and one spoon of olive oil on them. While heating the oven, fry the steaks from both sides on the pan, then wrap them in foil and put them in the oven for about 25 minutes. Chop onion and cut champignons in slices. Fry them for 3-5 minutes. Add flour to this mess and fry for another minute or two. Pour cream, salt and pepper the sauce and boil it while stirring for two minutes. Add dill. Lay out the steaks on the dishes and pour 5the sauce on them. It will taste delicious and will to make you two feel sleepy as well.
If you still have some appetite for the dessert you can cook almond soufflé. You will need 250 gr. of milk, one pinch of vanillin, five yolks, six whites, 75 gr. of sugar, three spoons of sugar powder, 200 gr. of berry syrup and 100 gr. of chopped almond.
Mix milk with cream and vanillin, boil it and then cool. Shake yolks together with sugar, pour milk with cream and stir for 2-3 minutes. Then let it cool. Add whites to the sugar powder and shake it in the mixer. Lay out this mess on the cooking forms and put into microwave oven for one minute. Pour the sauce on the dishes and place the soufflé above. Add berry syrup sand chopped almond.